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"Shiro WATCH OUT!"

Shiro jumped very fast into the air, turned once around her own axis, and thus easily dodged the Nunchaku before she landed on the ground. She laughed out loud as she turned to Mikey and saw his face change from shock to excitement.

"How did you do that?" he shouted and pulled at his nunchaku, which had gone into the void. The chains shortened, and he held him back in the starting position. “I thought I was overdoing it this time, and OH BOY! I was scared!" he laughed, relieved.

"That was great, Mikey. You are very fast!" Shiro was impressed by Mikey's skills, and that she was able to consciously experience the Ninpo for the first time. The orange dots sticking out from under his shirt had started to glow. It was truly magical, and she was amazed at how the youngest of the three brothers mastered it. Her wound was just a distant pain, nothing to worry about, but her body seemed a bit rusty and didn't really thank her for the sudden movement without a warm-up

"Not as fast as you – and you're not really fit again yet…" he said, "and now it didn't surprise me anymore that I had missed you back then…" he stopped at the memory of how Shiro threw his Nunchaku further. How she had used Donnie's Bo. The bracelet.

He looked over at her and their eyes met. Shiro thought exactly the same.

"Oh, please, let's try it!" she shouted with great enthusiasm.

“Try what?!” came from the door, and Shiro and Mikey slowly turned towards the door.

Donnie crossed the training hall with long strides and stopped at Shiro and Mikey. One avoided his gaze while the other fixed him.

“What are you doing here? Shiro, you can't train again yet, your wound…” the purple one looked at her. Sorrow and anger lay on his face.

“Donnie, we haven't trained. I just dodged Mikey's Nunchaku. He's really fast!" said Shiro with a smile. 

"You did… what?!" Donnie’s head turned to Mikey, who wanted to run for cover.


Shiro looked at Donnie with a serious face.

"Listen to me. We did NOT train. Mikey did NOT throw his Nunchaku at me on purpose. If you start lecturing here…” she let the last words hang unspoken and raised an eyebrow.

Mikey followed the interaction with an uncertain look. He could understand Donnie, Shiro's wound hadn't healed completely, and she just wanted to…

Donnie saw the anger in Shiro's eyes, and suddenly he recognized the reason. She felt patronized by him! 

The turtle felt misunderstood. He just wanted her not to overdo it and spare her strength and body. Surely his intentions can't be that wrong!

He looked down at her and his angry glare met her challenging eyes.

Donnie and Shiro wordlessly fought a fight that Mikey only witnessed, and felt how similar these two were despite their differences.

Donnie sighed. He knew how incredibly stubborn Shiro was and hoped she would be amenable to his logical reasoning. So he tried to put his emotions into words.

"I'm just worried and feel responsible that you…" he began. 

“Donnie…” Shiro approached him, her voice was soft when she looked up at him, but her eyes were serious.

"The only person responsible for me is myself. Don't try to take that away from me."

Mikey nodded in the background. Donnie knew what Shiro meant and even if he didn't like it, he had to acknowledge that he couldn't control what she is doing. They looked at each other and their anger faded. Shiro smiled, stood on tiptoe for a quick kiss, and Donnie melted away.

"You're so persistent, you know that?" Donnie now said, smiling.

"You have to say." she just replied with a wink. "Come on, you probably haven't had breakfast yet." and broke away from him and walked toward the exit.

"What did she want to try, Mikey?" Donnie said quietly to Mikey as they followed her.

"She wanted to check if she can use my Nunchaku when I throw it with the mystic power…" he admitted.

Donnie looked up pleadingly and said in a dramatic voice.

"Why does she have such a tendency to escalate…?"

"Reminds me of someone." smirked Mikey

"I can hear you!" Shiro called laughing from the corridor behind the door.

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now