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“Everything okay with you two beauties? April just said you need a few more minutes.” Leo winked

Donnie came back with her in his arms and carefully lowered her back onto the sofa, ignoring Leo's question.

"Thanks for the clothes, April." said the young woman and added "And the painkillers" she winked at her and April winked back. April was pleased to see the young woman much more organized now. The kiss had obviously done her good. Did the dancing flames somehow charge her energy?

She was now wearing a normal black t-shirt and comfortable black sweatpants that had cuffs around her ankles. The young journalist even thought of a fresh pack of underwear and a sports bra and was right: the young woman was just a little taller than herself.

The black clothes underlined the white hair of the young woman, and on her upper arms one could guess the white lines of her tattoo. She was still barefoot.

Something was different. Everyone noticed. But before anyone could comment, the young woman spoke up.

"Thank you for waiting. I think it's my turn now."

Draxum and Splinter exchanged a look. Donnie sat down on the sofa next to the young woman. His face was illegible, but his eyes shone.

"Yeah, how about your name?" teased Leo with a wink

She sent him a crooked smile

“I already know your names. Mikey told me most of your story. Although - wait, I don't know you yet” she looked at Casey.

He first gave her an uncertain look, and everyone noticed that he had been unusually quiet the whole time. But then he started to smile and got up to shake her hand.

"Casey Jones, nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too, Casey Jones." she found his politeness incredibly likeable and got goosebumps when she shook his hand. 

When Casey sat down again, she looked at Splinter and said.

"I assume you've already told them the story, Hamato Yoshi?"

“I only know it from tales and books. After the banishment of the woman and the curse of the samurai, the story ends.” replied Splinter uneasily. He wasn't used to being called by his old name.

“Okay. Then first: my name”, she looked around, "I can't tell you my name. It is part of the curse of the Hamato Samurai - if you learn my name, they will find you and… “ She hesitated a second before continuing, “They will find you in your dreams and there is no escape. That's why I haven't had a name for many years. You can give me one if you want. I know that makes things easier."

"If we know your name, will your crazy ancestors find us?" Raph looked a little disappointed.

"It is, sorry."

"So now, can we just name you like a pet?!"


"MAAAAN, I didn't mean it like that!"

"How about…." raised Leo

Draxum looked over at Splinter. "What is 'white' in Japanese?"

Splinter had to smile


“OOOOOH! That is so cool!" exclaimed Mikey and April

"Perfect!" nodded Raph

"MAN! I had the perfect idea! I…"

"So it's settled." Splinter and Draxum nodded in rare unison, and Leo looked a bit offended.

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now