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"And you had no idea Mikey could create that portal?"

"No, honestly not."

"Leo, this is really…"

"You two. Did you find Donatello?"

Draxum's voice cut through the conversation between Leo and Shiro, who had returned to the liar. They had left the roof when Shiro collected herself and the tears had dried. The way back to the old train station was covered at a rather relaxed pace, the flame had slowly calmed down, which Shiro was reassured about and Leo had told her about the Krang. About the prison dimension. This story was incredible and Shiro was excited to hear Leo's perspective.

It was beginning to dawn outside, and now they were standing in the doorway to the projector room, and four pairs of eyes were looking at them.

"No, we have not. As you can see." said Leo, went in and dropped onto one of the armchairs. Shiro was still standing in the doorway, undecided.

"Typical. But he'll pull himself together." said Raph and winked at Shiro.

"Looks like he should make an appointment with Dr. Feeli…” Mikey started, and Raph and Leo answered with a loud “NO!”

Shiro had to laugh, and slowly she entered the room. She had noticed Draxum and Splinter watched her. The two had obviously shared the news and concocted something. She sat down on the sofa next to Mikey, who now looked a little offended, and fixed Draxum with her gaze. He replied it unmoved, and she wondered if she should underline her words from the training hall earlier.

"So?" she asked and also looked at Splinter, "You obviously updated in the meantime?"

Splinter and Draxum exchanged a look. Raph crossed his arms over his chest and seemed very interested in how the situation will develop.

"As a matter of fact. I'll summarize again…? Draxum asked politely, and Shiro looked at him, caught. Did he just ask her for permission? Again he had surprised her.

She turned to Mikey and Raph, but they seemed just as clueless as she was about what was going on.

"Please." she just said to Draxum

“The way things have unfolded and with the information we now have, we are in a better position to assess the situation.

The curse cannot be broken. Not by us, nor by anyone else. Only the samurai can dissolve it. Regrettably, I'd like to add – because if you could use your Ninpo to its full potential, things would be sorted out quickly.” he looked at Shiro seriously, “…and I must admit that it would be very risky for you to face your ancestors defenseless in order to break their will.

But now a path seems to have opened up that we did not see a few days ago. You have a direct connection to every creature that has awakened its Ninpo. And so to our sons here. You have the ability to recognize, reflect, use and also shape their power. Related, what your ancestors wish for with their black magic and your Ninpo. But with the turtles it's self-determined and not so… final.”

Shiro began to suspect what Draxum and Splinter were up to. She sat back and made a poker face.

“Nevertheless – you can use the powers of the four and potentiate their abilities many times over! Together, you will reach dimensions that we probably cannot imagine right now! With the right training and the right guidance. And then you and them will be virtually invincible and raze your enemies to the ground!!" Draxum had stood up and talked himself into action, while raising his hands in an imperious gesture. He now looked very much like a despot again.

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن