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Leo woke up. He had really slept for the first time in days, as had the rest of his family. At first the memories still jarred through his thoughts as if it wasn't over yet – but with the image of Shiro and Donnie, their marks glowing and them gaining consciousness, relief returned too. He stretched and winced. His wound on his leg was not fully healed.

The turtle sighed. This whole thing was still in their bones. It was amazing that they survived. That they all survived. Now, hopefully not only the physical wounds would heal, but also the mental ones.

He wondered if Donnie had heard him. His words to him as he sat helplessly by his bed…

Leo shook his head and got up to get dressed.

"What the…?" he was standing in the bathroom door watching a mediocre flood. Shiro's hospital gown was on the floor! That meant….!

"What happened here?" he heard Mikey's voice behind him, and Leo turned to him.

In front of him was his sleepy brother, who looked bewildered at the mess in the bathroom. The shower curtain was partially torn off, the floor was half flooded…

Mikey now also saw Shiro's clothes from the hospital soaking wet in front of them.

They exchanged a look, turned around, and hurriedly and wordlessly made their way to Donnie's room.

"Ohmy…" Mikey said, wide-eyed as he peered through the half-open door into Donnie's room with Leo.

Their brother lay entwined with Shiro on the bed. 

Both were sound asleep.

The covers were pulled up to Donnie’s waist. She lay beneath him on her back, her upper body slightly lifted, the white blanket from the hospital lay like a pillow under her. Donnie’s head was on her chest, his arms were wrapped around her body, her legs were left and right beside him. Her long wild hair framing her face and shoulders, her hands lay on Donnie's softshell and head. She was completely naked.

Leo wondered how one could be so happy and so jealous at the same time, as he was right now.

"I think they're both fine." Mikey suddenly grinned and slid Donnie's door all the way shut.

"Come on, Leo, I'll make us breakfast. Man, I'm in the mood for pancakes! You too?"

"I suspect your arm will make a full recovery, Raphael." said Baron Draxum to the turtle. They were in the projector room and Raph opened and closed his hand tentatively. It still hurt quite a bit, but the samurai's sword had been very sharp, the wound went right between the ulna and the radius and had not become infected. Raph looked relieved.

Splinter had changed Leo's bandage as well. Now they were all together in the room, which looked very empty, with only one couch and one armchair. The destroyed furniture and books were still pushed together on the side.

Casey had just arrived and was looking thoughtfully at the deep cracks in the walls, ceiling, and floor. That's how it had been with Shiro in his time. Her Ninpo had tremendous destructive power. He looked at the three brothers and was glad that he no longer had to tell his story. It wasn't important anymore – and it would probably just make a shambles and possibly destroy what could be saved here. The argument between Leo and Donnie in his time had been much more explosive…

He smiled in relief at April, who finally had a new phone, was just putting a new case on it, and winked at him.

"Where are our two persistent heroes?" Draxum asked, looking around intently. "Are they still asleep?" He himself had suffered some severe burns, but they also healed well. His arms were still bandaged. There would be scars, he knew that.

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