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The bowl was empty, the world around them became more present again, and they sat in silent in front of each other. The pain returned, the exhaustion, the memories. There were no words that came close to doing it all justice, and yet they wanted to say so much to each other. But what? And where to start?

"Thank you for saving me." she began and looked at him. A thousand other sentences swirled in her head. She wanted to say so much more. But she didn't know if that was right. She now knew where she was, and she knew she couldn't stay. The spark of hope that she had felt before… she didn't trust it, she felt betrayed by it.

Donnie saw her sitting in front of him. So strong and yet so vulnerable. He saw her conflict again, but couldn't interpret it. What should he answer? He couldn't think of anything appropriate to say - no words that could describe his immeasurable need to protect her.

"I thank you too"

"For what?"

"For saving me."

They smiled at each other and she said

"I would do it again and again."

Donnie felt the butterflies and a blush rising on his face. Her smile grew warmer, but she got distracted.

"I think we can let the others know."

"Let them know what?"

"That they can come back in now." she answered in a louder voice.

A slight commotion was heard outside the door and a very embarrassed group waddled in, each one trying to get in last if possible.

"Oh man" Donnie said and facepalmed, "Guys… are you serious?"

“We didn't want to disturb you!” April was avoiding looking at them

Now the young woman had the opportunity to take a closer look at the four brothers all together for the first time.

Contrary to what she remembered from web video footage about 10 years ago, these turtles were clothed. 

According to Mikey's story, the red one had to be Raph.
He was wearing a t-shirt with ripped sleeves, and was that a pair of trunks?

Leonardo, like Donatello, wore pants in traditional ninja style but wider, which only came down to the knees and the lower legs were wrapped in black bandage.
But the blue one wore a tight sleeveless shirt, while the purple one does not wear upper body clothing.

"Sooooo, did you like it?" Mikey asked and everyone looked at him flabbergasted for the cheeky question.

But the young woman understood him and said politely, “It was delicious. Many Thanks."

Now the others understood and relaxed again. Raph wiped away some sweat from his forehead. 

Donnie and the young woman exchanged a look. Everyone noticed. April gave the young woman some painkillers, and she took them straight.

"Okay, let's start now, shall we?" remarked Raph

"Start with what?" Donnie raised an eyebrow

“Bringing light into the dark? To clarify, what happened yesterday? What is happening to all of us? What happened to YOU ​​two?" counted Raph

She and Donnie didn't look at each other, and of course everyone noticed the non-look as well.

The young woman collected herself and took the floor. She didn't need too many questions right now. She had made a decision.

"I want to apologize to you guys first." and looked at Raph, Leo and Mikey, who were all standing there a bit taken aback. “For the redirected Nunchaku, for the disarming and taking to the ground. I didn't mean to hurt you. Neither physically nor your honor."

She bowed her head. "I'm sincerely sorry."

Donnie looked at her. She was really fascinating how she chose her words.

“Eeeeh thaaaat?” Leo spouted first, "No problem, that was nothing!" he blushed.

"Apology accepted! I'm also sorry for attacking you!" exclaimed Mikey with a happy face. 

"No longer an issue." said Raph

There was a short silence...

"Thanks for saving Donnie." said April, and the three turtles agreed with her very concerned. They hadn't quite digested that night yet.

She opened her mouth as if to say something, but then her gaze shifted to Donnie, and the two exchanged a look. It was as if these two were conversing by looking at each other.

And so she just turned back to the others and smiled at them, "Then a thank you for my rescue would also be appropriate to you."

They all suddenly realized that they were very fortunate to be gathered here together and not to mourn any loss. Grateful smiles were now on their faces.

Donnie wished he had the courage to take her hand, when their eyes met again, but her attention wandered back to the door again.

“Sooooo, after all the thanks and apologies - what's your name?” Mikey asked, and everyone looked at her.

And at that moment Splinter came crashing into the kitchen pointing his finger at Donnie and the young woman he exclaimed with a dramatic voice:


Everyone stared at him in bewilderment. But the young woman, unperturbed, raised her hands, clenched her right fist and placed it on her open left hand in greeting. 

“Go aisatsu Hamato Yoshi.”

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