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"Draxum, I don't have time for great explanations. Let's begin!" Shiro said as she looked surprised but satisfied at the pentagram on the floor. It would do for her plan. She put down her bag.

"No! You have absolutely no certainty that your theory is correct! You are crazy! This is exactly what we wanted to prevent all along! What YOU wanted to prevent all along! It would be your death or the end of the free world!"

Draxum stood next to Shiro and looked down at her. She had obviously gone insane and had no idea what she was doing! He wouldn't take part in this madness!

"I am crazy?" She looked up at him and met his eyes, "YOU sent your sons to their certain doom! You KNOW they're going to die! I want to save them!" he was startled by her anger and shouted back

"Do you think I'm happy to pay that price to save the world? But what other option did I have?"

They stared at each other. Two dissimilar appearances, but similar in ability to lead. Assessing each other, full of upset emotions. But Shiro's self-control was the victor in this silent battle. 

She saw the carefully sorted blades in the cupboard, snorted once grimly in Draxum’s direction, went over and took one. Shiro felt the flame diminishing, flickering faintly but fiercely. Donnie slipped away from her and she would prevent it!

The Baron watched her closely as she walked towards him, blade in hand.

"Well, then you will surely pay this price too to save them." she stated and looked up at him with a hard look, “If my plan works, we'll get them out of there together. If it goes wrong, kill me. You mustn't hesitate, you only have a moment when I wake up." and pressed the hilt of the blade into his hand.

Draxum looked down at Shiro, her unbreakable will clearly blaze in her eyes and she said with anger and determination

"What other options do you have?" 

Casey hadn't been able to reach Donnie again, and he cursed to himself as he made his way home to get his gear. Why hadn't he put it on straight away? And why had Donnie cut him off so abruptly?

After those days of hiding from the four turtles and April, he found himself in reverse roles and didn't like it at all!

He ripped open his apartment door, changed clothes and left his home now over his balcony to get back to Draxum. He hoped he had found Shiro!

"No, Donnie! DONNIE!”

Leo's arm was free the moment he saw his brother stagger backwards. He'd dropped his Bo, hand on his chest, surrounded by purple, black lustrous streaks that began to coil around his entire body. Then he was leaning forward, clutching his head, screaming in pain.

Leo had rushed to him, trying to figure out what was happening to his twin. Apparently that damn witch had cast some kind of spell on him? Then he saw the glowing coin on his chest, which seemed to be burned into his plastron.

"Donnie!" Leo shouted and grabbed his brother's arm, who couldn't stop screaming while the glowing stripes wrapped around his body, deactivated googles and battleshell and let something different, new arise. He heard sneering laughter from the group again, but he didn't care.

Leo watched with wide eyes how the coin lay on Donnie's chest, in a dark, glowing purple, from which more and more glowing, transparent stripes came out and mercilessly wrapped around his twin. The woman's delighted giggles mingled with the sneers of her subordinates, accompanied by Donnie's screams.

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