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“Hey Mikey.”

“Ooooh, hey Shiro! Good morning! How are you? You're not limping anymore!"

"Good, thank you. Yes, my wounds heal faster since the Ninpo awakened back then. It's good to be able to walk normally again.” Shiro smiled at Mikey, who noticed her on her way to the kitchen.

"I quite believe it! Did you just wake up? Your hair is all messy! Where's Donnie?" Mikey was in a very good mood, he had submitted the pictures for April's article just three days late and finally had time.

“Yes, just now. Donnie's still asleep…” Shiro reached her hands into her wild hair and tried unsuccessfully to tame it.

"That's totally out of Donnie…" Mikey remarked.

“I know. Raph said something like that too. I think Donnie needs more sleep because he takes care of me when I'm dreaming. It must be exhausting for him…”

Mikey caught her guilty undertone.

“You can bet your butt he enjoys being your savior in your dreams. Anything else he needs is armor and a white horse…"

Shiro grinned at the introduction.

"Come, I'll make you breakfast, and then I'll show you our home!" Mikey took Shiro's hand and pulled her with him.


“And then I created this freaky portal! With my hands, just like Casey said! And the scary thing about it was that cracks appeared on my arms - but through Raph and Donnie and our connection through the Ninpo it was okay, and the two were able to pull Leo out of the prison dimension and I slammed the door right in the face of the stupid Krang!!" Mikey laughed

Shiro and he sat in the large, round training room. Even the ceiling was like a dome. She now knew the Turtles' entire home and was impressed by the space and improvisational talent of the four brothers. It was a good home. She felt comfortable here, dangling her legs over a sort of gallery that divided the room down the middle of the high walls while her eyes wandered over the arsenal of weapons hanging near the door. So they seem to train with different weapons than their own. She wondered what the ladders were doing there.

"And Donnie and Raph were then connected to you, and so the energy of the portal didn't hurt you?"

"Yes, exactly!"

"How did you do that? How did you train for that?"

"Not at all! We just trusted each other!” Mikey sat next to Shiro and took a sip from his soda.

Shiro let his words sink in. The story was just amazing, and she was glad that she had seen the pictures on the web at the time, otherwise she would probably have doubts now. Casey was from the future. The future! She remembered the goosebumps she'd gotten from shaking his hand. She would love to talk to him…

"Thanks, Mikey." she said, and the turtle looked at her with a questioning look.

"For what…?"

"Well, that you and you others saved the world!" she smiled and nudged his side. She liked his way of telling stories, he was always right in the middle of his memory and his laughter was contagious.

"Oh. Yes of course. You're welcome” he grinned and Shiro could see how he hadn't received as much recognition for it as he actually deserved. And probably his brothers and April and Casey either. But Mikey didn't seem bothered. She really liked him!

"Can you show me, Mikey? How do you do that with your Nunchaku?" she suddenly asked with a curious look

"Whoa sure! Wait, I'll get it!"


Donnie had woken up but was still in his bed. He had his arms crossed behind his head and was looking up at the ceiling. When he noticed while half asleep that Shiro was no longer in his arms, he was startled and his first impulse was to go and look for her directly.

But something inside made him hesitate, and after a moment, when he had sat quietly, he felt the flame. It seemed bright and strong. And it was as if something was telling him to trust and not let his fear drive him.

And so he had let himself sink back into his bed, which now seemed far too empty to him, with a deep exhalation, and let the impressions of the last few days go through his head.

He knew that Draxum's plan was for Shiro to face the other descendants of the Kuraiko clan and defeat them. And her ancestors too. He frowned at the idea, because without being able to use her Ninpo this plan will be doomed. And whether he and his brothers could help was uncertain, as long as the descendants was an unpredictable variable in the equation. They had no idea how strong they were.

Shredder came to Donnie's mind. Also obsessed and nourished by dark magic. Every single one of them was inferior to him, and they had only been able to defeat him with combined forces from this world and the next.

If the descendants of the Kuraiko clan had the powers of their ancestors on their side as well, it would be a battle with very uncertain outcomes.

Donnie sighed. He didn't want a plan with an uncertain outcome. He wanted a plan that would guarantee success. This time, a life was at stake that seemed more important to him than his own. Her life. The danger to this and the mystical world was almost secondary in his considerations.

And his brothers? April, who was like a sister? Donnie wanted to keep them all out of it, protect them. Losing one of them would be… just unacceptable.

He remembered how Leo had disappeared into the prison dimension, and all hope seemed lost. Donnie shook his head to shake off the memory. This place was too dark.

And so the purple one let his thoughts wander to Shiro. This absolutely extraordinary phenomenon in his life. He felt the flame dance. She was able to use his Ninpo through circumstances yet to be clarified. Her wound healed exceptionally quickly, and that fact hadn't surprised her the last time he'd changed her band-aid.

She was extremely perceptive, confident, and smart yet sometimes insecure and lost in thought.

Her resilience seemed extremely high, how could she have kept her essence, her true self, in a life like hers? With the losses she had suffered?

Her self-control and will were indescribable, although - Donnie took a deep breath at the thought - he could at least test her self-control.

The purple and white flames… the feeling of charging. Donnie's thoughts became disordered. Oh, he had to get to the bottom of this. Her eyes, the way she looked at him, what he could read in them, what sovereignty she radiated! How she made him do things he couldn't have imagined before! And however light and fragile she was, he could carry her without the slightest effort. Yet he was never afraid to break her, he remembered the muscles he could feel when he touched her and his hands on her skin last night, her moan…

"Haafuck!" Donnie exclaimed and he straightened up. She drove him crazy!

He needed her. He wouldn't be able to stand this much longer. He really wanted her. He wanted to own her completely!

Donnie felt the flame flicker and frowned.

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