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"Okay, okay, psssssst..." Leo whispered

"Yes, I know, now be quiet!" Shiro whispered back. They were in the kitchen and Shiro was standing at the sink, pouring cold water over her face.

"Woah, I think there are still donuts in the fridge."

Shiro rolled her eyes and smiled. Leo was back to normal, and she watched as he searched the fridge for the sweets, while wiping her face dry.

Then she took a banana from the bowl on the countertop and ran to the training hall without waiting for the turtle.


"So sorry, you guys had to wait!" she called as she ran into the hall. Donnie, Raph and Mikey looked at her, and Shiro could already see from Mikey's facial expression that it had gone well, which immediately catapulted her mood up again.

"Everything okay?" Donnie asked her when she got to the brothers.

"I just had to get something to eat." She held up the banana and started peeling it. Donnie frowned at her, but left it at that. She obviously had a reason to avoid his question. Her clothes and hair were wet. He would ask her about it again later.

"How was it with Casey?" asked Raph

"He wasn't there." Shiro answered and took a bit from her banana.

"And what have you been doing all this time?" Mikey asked in amazement and looked down at Shiro's wet appearance

"WINNING!" Leo called from the door, and they turned to him. Raph started laughing and Donnie gave him a disgusted look. Leo's clothes were still stained from all the stuff from the restaurant kitchen. The blue one didn't care much about his brothers' looks and strutted into the hall while stuffing a donut in his mouth.

"Oh, sorry! Of course, that doesn't apply to all of us. The other part LOST!" he announced with his mouth full and pointed to Shiro, who was smiling and chewing her banana.

Three pairs of eyes turned to her. She swallowed, shook her head, and said, eyes bright

"I'll tell you later - which is more important: Mikey? Raph? Do you want to show it?"

The two started to grin widely.


"And then I felt so wuuuuuuah, and when the chains flew up it was like eeeeeeeeeh and when Raph..." Mikey just couldn't stop telling what had happened the last few hours. He and Raph had been able to reproduce exactly what Shiro had done. It had been extremely impressive, and Shiro was relieved. She didn't want to imagine what it would be like if she were to ask too much...
They also had insisted on sending Leo his 'pow pow' back one-to-one once they got their weapons back in their hands. These brothers were such big goofballs.

That day it had gone well. Everything had gone well. She secretly knew that Raph had prevented him and Mikey from attempting any madness like the ring from Leo and Donnie. THEY weren't twins. Their strengths lay elsewhere.

"Mikey, that's really super cool. You did so well! You both!" Shiro repeated once again and stood on her tiptoes again to catch a glimpse of his new dots on his head.

"And I suggest you leave her now, so she can change into something dry..." Donnie said in a slightly annoyed voice.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, then I'll be back." Shiro winked at Mikey and went to the bathroom. She could smell the chlorinated water clinging to her clothes. And a touch of cheese soup.

The brothers looked after her. Donnie turned to Leo.

"What does THAT have to do with winning, I ask you?!" and pointed at everything about him

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