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“Yes, you are right. The last line really seems to be addressed to the woman. Was he hoping that she would come back to him to break the curse?" asked April with her mouth full

She was in the kitchen with Raph, Leo and Mikey. The three of them had told her in excited voices, chattering wildly, what had happened in the training hall when she arrived at the lair, and April wasn't as enthusiastic as Donnie's brothers.

Shiro and Donnie both liked to play with fire, and it seemed understandable to her, but also irresponsible.

Now they sat together in the kitchen, on the bar stools at the long worktop. The printouts of the curse and the Kuraiko clan's fragmented history from the mystic library lay scattered between their plates of steaming mac and cheese.

“Hi April.”

Shiro came in. Wearing Donnie's purple t-shirt, she sat down with them, took an empty plate and started piling food on it. She seemed absent with her thoughts and very hungry.

"Where's Donnie?" asked Raph between bites

"He's taking a cold shower." Shiro answered and started to eat.

"And why are you wearing his shirt?" Leo narrowed his eyes at her. He suspected something

Shiro swallowed down her noodles and said without looking at Leo.

"Mine broke."

"Broke…?" Mikey didn't remember her t-shirt tearing in the training hall.

April observed Shiro with a stern look and then raised her finger

"You two should really control yourself…"

Shiro looked over at her and their eyes met. April realized that teaching Shiro should be treated with caution. This young woman had gone through hell and came back, she wasn't one to be lectured on

"Don't doubt my willpower, April." she said with a sharp voice

Raph, Mikey and Leo looked back and forth between the two tough women. The atmosphere has changed.

April dropped her finger. She knew she had gone too far, but still worried about the energy that seemed to emanate from Donnie and Shiro's connection. As long as it could not be explained, one should be careful.

"All I'm asking for is that you be responsible about what happens between you and Donnie. This is no joke."

Shiro looked at April and saw her concern. She knew April was right. However, everything has been under control so far. She and Donnie were missing out on something almost essential, and that renunciation was extremely painful for both of them. She felt Aprils accusation were unjustified.

Shiro put slowly down her fork. The turtles got nervous.

"You think I don't know what's at stake?" her voice was cutting now.

April frowned and swallowed.

“I'm willing to do whatever it takes to avoid the worst, April” Shiro said, and they all knew she meant it. They could hear suddenly the authority of a leader. But then she dropped her shoulders and looked very vulnerable again, "I ask for your trust." she raised her right hand to her chest and placed it on her heart.

Shiro and April looked at each other. Nobody said a word. April saw how freedom-seeking and assertive Shiro was, and she actually had no reason not to trust her.

"You're right Shiro. I'm sorry. I should trust you and Donnie too. I'm sounding like Splints…!" April shook her head.

Shiro's face relaxed again and she looked relieved.

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