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"The curse is like a riddle, isn't it?" said Mikey suddenly

"A riddle?" Leo lay face down on the sofa and let his legs hang over the backrest.

“Yes, the last line, for example. It's different from the others. As if addressing it directly to the Kuraiko woman…”

"That's right…" Raph murmured and looked at the note with the curse again

Donnie said nothing. He wasn't able to think. He felt like he totally screwed it up. He had gone into shock and stared at the wall. Leo looked over at his brother and could only sympathize with how he was feeling right now. He sighed and sat back down the right way to watch the print with Raph.

     Only I can set you free again.

Leo suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine and he looked at the others.

"It's like he was hoping she would come back to him…"

Mikey, Raph and even Donnie looked at Leo. They felt they could see inside their ancestor's mind. In his emotional world. He had still loved her.


"Wha..."? Leo started

"Do you hear that too?" Mikey asked

They all stood up abruptly.

Shiro had arrived back in the liar. The trip had done her body good. It needed the exercise, the fresh air, the night.

But her mind was still filled with hopelessness and sadness. She didn't know how to shake it off and besides, there was still a conversation to be had with Donnie, which she would really like to forego. Shiro sighed and went to his room to put her bag down, and she hoped he would be there – but also hoped he wouldn't.

She had to admit that she missed him. The further she moved away from him, the tighter the bond that connected them seemed to stretch. ‘Could it tear?’ she wondered as she peered into his room. He was not there.

Feeling disappointment and relief at the same time only rarely occurred in Shiro's emotions.

She went in and put the bag under his bed. He was right, she thought to herself. She just disappeared without saying a word. Of course, she had every right to do so – but it was understandable that he would worry. That's what it's like to have someone worry about you… she'd forgotten what that felt like. And resolved to be more careful with his worries next time.

The tracker, on the other hand. Oh, that was another topic…

Shiro turned irresolutely to the door and saw Donnie's Bo leaning next to it. She walked over and stopped in front of it. She hadn't held the staff since she'd passed out underwater. It seemed like years ago, so much had happened in the meantime…

She took the Bo. It was firm and strong in her hand, and she could now feel the energy that resided within him. The same energy radiating from her bracelet. Her senses for the Ninpo seemed to be heightened. 

She held it outstretched horizontal in the middle in front of her. Good balance. It appeared to be made of wood, but felt almost too smooth and heavy for that. Shiro remembered Mikey's story – they had made their weapons by themselves. The Ninpo allowed them to make a weapon out of any object.

She let the Bo swirl next to her once, but had to stop. This room was too small… but… Shiro started to smile again. She knew a bigger room, and she now knew how to banish the darkness from her thoughts. 

the curse - 1 -  [rottmnt - COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now