Entry Twenty | Spy!

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" " - Dialogues

'HELLO' - Thoughts

LMAO - Deep Voice / Important Dialogue / PA Announcement

OUCH - Authors Note / 4th wall breaks


The day of infiltration and spying arrived, as we planned on two teams per location. Ruby said that she remembered to take care of something in Vale. Blake and Sun were at the docks back again. Neptune and Yang were going to a bar, that she know about. While Weiss, Y/N and Donna were at the CCT Tower to locate and find any suspicious and missing logs about the SDC and Dust Robberies in Vale.

As the three were finished in the CCT Tower, their scrolls began to ring, as Y/N was the first to answer his scroll.

Y/N: "Blake?"

Blake: "Everyone, if you can hear me, we need back-" Then Sun interrupts with his yelling, as the three looked at each other in worry.

Y/N: "Sun, calm down! What's the situation?" He ordered.

Sun: "They got a robot, and it's big, really big!"

Y/N: "How big?"

Sun: "A mecha!"

Donna: "Mecha?" Donna mouthed, in question.

Sun: "Just-Just get in here, we need your help!" Sun yelled. "The Torchwick guy's in it! But not like, it didn't eat him-he's like controlling it or something!"

Yang: "Where are you guys?" Yang's voice said on the group call. 

Sun: "Near the highway! Hurry!" Sun yelled as the conversation ended.

Y/N: "Girls, it's showtime." Y/N quickly glanced behind as Y/N opens a portal to the intersection. The trio went to the portal and exactly after they passed into it, they saw a silver mechanized robot chasing both Sun and Blake, and Yang's motorcycle tailing behind. 

Y/N: "Donna, with me! We need to protect the people and avoid them getting to Roman's way!" Y/N ordered as Donna flew with her Chaos Magic. "Weiss, go help your team below, I'll let you borrow my cloak for a short period of time, go!" He cried out as the Cloak of Levitation latches to Weiss' shoulders, as she flew away with it.

Y/N landed safely in the middle of the highway as he uses the Vaulted Boots of Valtorr to run in the air, tailing Roman's robot as he flips every car he passes by. Y/N opens a portal for every car that's been flipped or tumbled on the street, as they enter the portal and landing them safely away from the chase.

The procedure repeated in the long chase before Weiss' landed in front of the Mech, before she uses her ice that catches the Mecha, causing it to slip and fall down under the highway, as Team RWBY & SRCR assembled, and the Mecha stands up at the same time. 

Roman: "These brats!" Roman curses in anger as he controls the Mecha and steps forward.

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