Entry Thirty Two | Vytal Festival | Part Three

513 19 7

" " - Dialogues

'HELLO' - Thoughts

LMAO - Deep Voice / Important Dialogue / PA Announcement

OUCH - Authors Note / 4th wall breaks


The Amity Coliseum roared to life as hundreds of humans and faunus alike were excited to see who's going to fight next. The Strange Siblings were anticipating the fight between Team JNPR and the other team BRNZ from Shade Academy.

Donna stood beside her brother as the fight started, taking their positions on the arena.

Donna: "I can't believe we easily pummeled Team MGIC earlier."

Y/N: "Magic beats everything. N-Not the enemy group." He said with a shrug.

Donna: "Or you got cocky. Jeez, you almost got beaten but thanks to my new semblance, I saved your ass." Donna said with a shit eating grin.

Y/N: "Wha- I'd never expected your semblance would be that grand."

Donna: "At least I can summon undead units, skeleton armies for sure."

The two heard a loud blast on the arena as they saw thunder rumbling on the top of the mountain.

Y/N: "Looks like Nora's going to be the MVP."

Ruby: "Go get 'em, Jaune!" Ruby cheered just below them as Team RWBY can be seen sitting on a row of chairs.

Weiss: "Well, he's certainly improved."

Yang: "Yeah, but he ain't got nothing on Pyrrha." Then she looked up to the two siblings watching the fight. "Congratulations on your fight earlier, Donna!" Yang said.

Donna: "Thanks, Yang!"

Suddenly, Nora reached the peak of the mountain as she grabbed her hammer like a certain Norse God.

Y/N: "Hahhh... How I miss Thor and Loki back home."

Donna: "You could say that."

Y/N: "I wonder what they're up to right now, especially Hela is with them."

Nora fires a full canister from her weapon that sends the enemy sniper in a deadly position as she narrowly missed the shot from Nora.

Y/N: "Nice evade." Y/N commented as he casts a minor spell to overhear their conversation.

Jaune: "Ren, Nora, Flower Power!" Jaune ordered.

Nora: "Eh...? What?" 

The confused Jaune turns to his team to explain the strategy.

Jaune: "Uh-- F-Flower Power." They all shrugged in confusion. "T-That's your team attack name!"

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