Entry Twenty Four | Blood Red Roses

920 26 1

" " - Dialogues

'HELLO' - Thoughts

LMAO - Deep Voice / Important Dialogue / PA Announcement

OUCH - Authors Note / 4th wall breaks


Ozpin: "Mr. Strange? What is happening?"

Y/N: "Kaecilius stabbed Ruby!" Y/N cried out.

Ozpin was shocked to see Ruby's condition. The professors followed them to the infirmary in which Ironwood placed Ruby on the bed.

Ozpin: "How are we going to help you-"

Y/N: "I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Y/N snapped, but when he realized what he said, he quickly shakes his head while muttering some apologies to them.

Ozpin: "I understand that you're angry, Mr. Strange. But please, let us help you."

Y/N breathes calmly as he looked at the three adults.

Y/N: "Okay, first thing we need to do is to DON'T remove the shard, I'll cast a spell of Ruby first, minor surgery in second before we could remove the shard. And the last I want to do for you guys is to get out of the room for me to work." Y/N ordered. And good thing that he remembers all of these thanks to his experiences on Earth because of Stephen's medical lessons.

An hour had passed and Y/N steps out of the infirmary as he removes his surgical outfit and his mask. Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood glances at the sorcerer as they approached him.

Ozpin: "How's Ruby?"

Y/N: "She's okay now. She passed out due to blood loss but thank Oum that the shard only hit some minor and not her organs. And also, Headmaster... Please keep this secret to Yang and the others until 7 AM, we need this time to keep Ruby safe from some spies on Beacon.

Ozpin: "Beacon's infiltrated?!" Ozpin widens his eyes on what he'd heard.

Y/N: "I believe that the event and the CCT infiltration were coincidentally planned, since General Ironwood's here, and they assume that the General is attending the ball, so no one is guarding the tower.

Ironwood: "That is quite a prediction, Mr. Strange. But I think we can investigate what happened later. I'll see you back on your office, Ozpin." Ironwood nods as he left the infirmary, leaving the three standing there with the silent Y/N still remembers the man who stabbed Ruby.

Glynda: "The one I don't understand is that... how does that shard ignored Ruby's aura?"

Ozpin: "And who is this Kaecilius that you were yelling from earlier?"

Y/N told them to sit down, and he explains him his story back on Earth about Dormammu and Kaecilius, about how the brothers tricked Dormammu into a time loop and killed Kaecilius in Hong Kong.

Ozpin: "So it's true... Your enemies have arrived here in Remnant."

Y/N: "And that makes our life harder, when Donna explained to me that we can't go back to Earth literally because of the Sorcerer's Coup, Mordo took the title of the Sorcerer Supreme and Donna narrowly escaped assassination that is the reason why she got transported here in Remnant. But she didn't know who opened that portal."

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