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Izuku woke up in the arms of Overhaul who was still sleeping, he looked at his chest seeing the tattoos Kai had there

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Izuku woke up in the arms of Overhaul who was still sleeping, he looked at his chest seeing the tattoos Kai had there. He smiled and got closer as he closed his eyes, Izuku has always wanted to find happiness in a man and it feels like he a might've actually found it.

Wether it's them on a simple date, or teaming up to commit a crime, arguing, having sex or even nearly killing each other he has to admit his love for Kai will always be there. And he loved the way Kai would always tell him how he loves his beauty so much, it's all he ever thinks about.

The two were taking a bath together where Kai made sure to clean Izuku well after the night before, he kissed him gently and smiled at him. "You look beautiful" he told him. They got dressed and spent their day together for once they got to have the day to themselves.

"Izuku?" "Yes?" "If you have gained your trust in me again, would you considered marrying me?" Izuku looked at Kai and giggled "you know what I was actually thinking about that, I would love to marry you-" he was cut off by Kai who pulled out a box.

Izuku looked at it surprised and back at Kai "um..Kai?" "I want you to have the richest, biggest stone as your engagement ring" "but Kai, I still have the one you gave me, I don't need a new one-" "but this one is better Izuku, it's way more expensive and-" "MORE EXPENSIVE? How do you still have money on you" Izuku asked shocked making the man laugh.

"Trust me, you'll get even better things once you let me make you mine for ever , you just need to let me put this ring on you" "so will you?" Izuku looked at Kai and nodded with a smile. "I promise you, that this time Izuku I will truly care for you I already knew how life was like without you and that was horrible, I'll never let you go like that again"

Izuku smiled and hugged him, he left kisses all over his face before kissing his lips. "I love you so much"

Kai's Pov
I watched Izuku get ready for his mission he was assigned by a man that hired him as a hit man. The way that leather suit wrapped around his body perfectly had me obsessed.

He walked up to me giving me a small peck on the lips "Take care of porky for me please" he says, I nodded before laughing "what?" "You treat that cat like a child" I tell him making him gasp "because he is, he's my baby Kai" "if he's your baby then why try having kids?" I say crossing my arms.

He stays quiet as he tries to come up with an answer "well...I'd like to have another?" "Then we'll walk to the pet store since you thinks cat are children" "because they are! But seriously take care of him, I'll call you when I'm heading back" "okay, be careful" "I will" he says with a smile before walking away.

I look at the black cat that sat on my bed, Sometimes I didn't really enjoy touching animals but if Izuku's requests me to 'babysit' then might as well touch one.

Time was passing by and I was falling asleep with the cat who laid on my stomach as it purred. I was bored, I did not know what to do, I didn't have any paper work, no meetings, Hari was out with his boyfriend.

I should've gone with Izuku. I looked at the cat and slowly petted him, this was the first time I've actually enjoyed touching an animal. The phone rang and I picked it up "Hello?" "Kai! I'm out here and oh my god, They got Izuku!" "Wait what..?" "They got Izuku! They're arresting him! Come here now!"

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