Chapter 39

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After that incident, breakfast went on like normal, you went back to get more food and went to sit down at the only open seat, which happened to be between your brother and Bakugou. You were making your way towards them when your brother noticed you were going to have to sit next to Bakugou. He quickly scooted over so that he was now sitting next to Bakugou and you had to sit between him and Midoriya.

You didn't give it much thought at the time but you did hear Bakugou let out a scoff while Kirishima and Kaminari were quietly laughing. Everything was goin well until Monoma just had to open his big mouth again.

"What a klutz, am I right?" He said loudly, snickering to his classmates that were visibly uncomfortable. He made sure everyone heard him but you weren't bothered, he could say whatever he wanted about you, you could take it. "It's so obvious that the only reason those two got into the hero course is because their daddy is the number two pro hero." He added, speaking even louder this time.

"Monoma, what did we talk about?" Class B's homeroom teacher spoke up.

"What? It's true." He laughed looking at the two of you. Your brother was unfazed, as he usually is. You on the other hand, we're getting pissed the fuck off, he could say whatever he wanted about you, but your brother has nothing to do with this. "Your daddy pulled all the strings for you two isn't that right Y/n?" He said looking at you this time.

You felt the rage in your stomach, spreading to your whole body. Your hands your in your lap and you were just looking down at your plate of food trying to stay calm but you couldn't help but feel your body grow hot. Your breath became heavy and you could even hear your classmates calling your name, trying to see if you were okay.

"What? Is she gonna cry? Is she gonna tell on me to her daddy?" He snorted out, leaning back in his seat the more he laughed. You leg started to bounce up and down. Then you heard...bubbling? Like something was boiling.

"What the?" You heard Kaminari say as he noticed all the cups of water on the tables were boiling and about to overflow. Everyone else started noticing too. Even the cups on class B's table were bubbling.

"Y/n, calm down." Your brother said turning to you and placing his hand on yours that was on your lap, but pulled away when he felt how hot you were. You shut your eyes and tried to calm your breathing but you couldn't escape the state of anger you were in.

 You heard your classmates screaming your name, then your teachers, all telling you to calm down. You were so overwhelmed, they were so loud. Why couldn't they just-

"SHUT UP!" You yelled back at all of them, as you slammed your hands on the table while stood up. Your head still lowered as you turned around and stomped back to the girls cabin. With every stomp you took, you a burnt mark on the grass. 

Burning Love (Bakugo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now