Chapter 78

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You two stayed there, hugging, for a few moments before you realized that you needed to finish your hair before going to bed. You let go and started walking to the bathroom. 

"We should got to sleep, it's pretty late." You said, grabbing your hair brush and passing it your hair one last time before beginning to braid it. Bakugou came over to you, at first just watching you through the mirror, silently. This is how Bakugou was with you most of the time that you two were alone, silent. You didn't mind, you're not a big talker either. 

"Let me help, I'm tired and you'll be done faster." He complained. 

"You can go to sleep, I'm not stopping you." You explain.

"No." Is all he said before grabbing the other half of you hair and starting to braid it. He just wanted to run his hands through your hair but he wasn't going to tell you that. 

After a couple minutes, your hair was neatly braided into two long braids and you two could finally sleep. 

You laid on one side of the bed and faced away from him, he did the same. Almost as soon as you closed your eyes, you were asleep. Bakugou on the other hand, laid awake, not wanting tonight to end just yet. 

"hey...i-idiot." He whispered, checking if you were awake. When he didn't get a response he touched your shoulder. You opened your eyes and turned around to face him. 

"is something wrong?" You whispered back, eyes almost shut and wanting sleep. 

"how are you able to sleep so fast?" He asks, almost with a pout on his lips, as if he was jealous.

"uh, I don't really know. When you're here with me I don't get nightmares so I'm able to fully relax and then I just go to sleep." You trail off not even processing what you are saying because of how tired you are. Bakugou's eyes widen, not expecting that answer at all. 

"You're not worried about tomorrow?" He asks not making eye contact anymore. This is when you realized that he was in fact nervous about tomorrow. 

"A little but everyone is nervous." You say, knowing it's true. "You don't have to worry though." You start, reaching out to grab the side of his face, and he makes eye contact again. "I know you're going to do great." You continue, noticing he has that sad look in his eyes again and bringing in to a hug. Holding him in your arms you unconditionally began to play with his hair. Still in that sleepy state, you continued to try to reassure him. "You are so strong...and smart...and..." You started to drift off to sleep, but you were able to let two more word escape. "so cute." And just like that you were asleep. 

Bakugou felt sleep take over him as well but all he could think about was how you just called him cute. 

In the morning~

You were woken up by your alarm blasting beside your bed. Opening your eyes slowly, your vision was covered by blonde spiky hair in your face. You had forgotten that Bakugou had stayed here last night. 

"Turn it off already." He said lowly, barely audible, obviously still sleepy.

"Then get off my arm." You replied in the same tone. He groaned slightly before lifting his head and allowing you to reach over and turn off your alarm. You both sat up and you were about to get ready once Bakugou left. 

Before he left though, he turned to you.

"Hey. Stop worrying so damn much ok." He said sternly. You knew he was talking about the exam, you didn't even have to tell him how nervous you were. "You're going to do fine ok?" He said turning around to face the door. 

You knew this was his way of wishing you luck and trying to comfort you. Quickly, you wrapped your arms around him giving him one last hug before he opened the door. 

"Thank you Bakugou, good luck." You said, your face slightly pressed against his back. 

"Yeah yeah whatever loser." He said as you let go and then walked out the door. 

He was right. Worrying isn't going to help with anything. You just have to get this done. 

The ride to the exam location was a quiet one. Most of the students had nervous looks on their faces. Some were trying to strategize and others were literally just praying. You were looking outside the window the whole time, trying to keep your mind off of everything that could go wrong. You unconsciously started to pick at the side of your dumb, a new habit that you picked up the beginning of this school year.

Once you all got there you looked around. It was a big open space that kind of looked like ground beta and the USJ. You guessed that they will test you all on rescue along with combat, but you didn't know exactly how. 

As you all walked in a group further into the place, following your teacher, you looked around trying to memorize your surroundings. Then you heard a voice. 

"Wow you guys are from UA right? So cool." You heard a male voice say. You turned to look and it was a boy with fluffy black hair and dark gray eyes. He grabbed Midoriya's hands and spoke again. "So nice to meet you, I'm Shindo." He smiled, but it wasn't a friendly smile.

Then he turned to you and your brother, the two of you were right next to each other.

"I can't believe it. The Todotoki twins, this is such an honor." He exclaims, but something about his tone was so off putting. A girl with spiky blonde hair in two little buns come up behind him.

"Wow you're so cute in person." She said to Shoto. You were able to speak when Shindo spoke first. 

"And you," he said as he grabbed your hand and brought it up to his face. "Are even more beautiful than you are on TV." He added, about to kiss your hand when you snatched it back. The words he was saying didn't match the look in his eyes. He reminded you on Monoma, in all the worst ways. 

"You are a terrible liar." Is all you said before tugging at your brother's sleeve for him to follow you and walking past them.

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