Tejasswi In Trouble

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"Oh no, what is this?" Rashmi's sudden yell grabbed the entire audience's attention.

Tejasswi was stunned by an unexpected yell.

"Tejasswi, how could you do this? This is not the dress designed by me; being my model for the contest, why did you wear somebody else's designed dress?"

Rashmi was yelling and crying, creating great havoc on the stage, and the entire show had been stopped.

'Oh, this is what Rashmi planned to trap me with?" Tejasswi thought with dismay, But it's too late to cry over spilt milk.

The entire commotion got a huge audience, not because Rashmi was wailing but because she was accusing one of the top Bollywood actresses.

The media got the breaking news. Accusation against a famous celebrity by a not-so-famous designer
Even organizers and judges held their heads.

Tejasswi started her career as a model on the ramp, and after winning many contests, she stepped into Bollywood and nailed it again. Her journey from model to top actress is commendable.

Now, after many years, Tejasswi was walking on the ramp as a model, which was shocking enough for everybody in the industry to overcome, and this accusation pushed her into the abyss. They don't know how to deal with it when the media and paps were getting wild for the news and had already barged on the stage.

"Miss Tejasswi, is it correct that you wore the wrong outfit?"

"Is it a mistake or a planned step?"

"Being a famous actress, why are you walking on the ramp as a model? Are you broke?"

"Please answer, Miss Tejasswi Sharma, why are you not defending the designer's accusation? Are you at fault?"

"Is that true, you did it on purpose?"

"Why did you do this to your ex-designer and an old town friend?"

Tejasswi was shocked. Her relationship with Rashmi was a secret known only to the very close of them. How did reporters get to know about it? More than Tejasswi, Rashmi despised revealing it, and then who played with the two?

Tejasswi rubbed her forehead being uneasy with the questions, and as a savior, Aneri showed up on the stage with crew members. She held Tejasswi's hand to console her, whereas Pari stood by Rashmi's side.

The security team tried to control the wild media, but they didn't stop their questions for Tejasswi.

She is the celebrity, and ambiguous news belongs to her. Her footage will bring more TRP to their channels than Rashmi's commotion.

"Did you two not get along? Are there any personal grudges?"

"Breaking News: Actress Tejasswi Sharma betrayed her old town pal."

"Tejasswi Sharma ditched her designer and walked on the ramp as a model, wearing another outfit."

"The designer is wailing in the middle of the stage over her model wearing the wrong outfit."

"Designer Rashmi Singh was ditched by her actress cousin Tejasswi Sharma."

Reporters and journalists kept going with their questions, but Tejasswi stood all silent. It's a matter of time; she has to put up with the chaos. She will take her revenge on Rashmi soon.

Amidst the chaos, Rashmi's phone vibrated, making her stop wailing and check the text sent by a private number. "Great job; keep it up."

An evil smirk appeared at the corner of Rashmi's lips, which was noticed by only one person in the audience.
She too smirked and looked at the phone screen, where she sent a text that Rashmi had shown.

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