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"For god sake, Rohan, stop calling me to listen to the same answer. I told you before, and hear me again loud and clear: I don't know Tejasswi's whereabouts." Aneri yelled on the call in frustration.

Rohan called her uncountable times in two days, not buying that she not knew Tejasswi's whereabouts. However, she is right; though she catches up with her through a private number, she knows nothing.

"Aneri, watch your mouth. You can't be disrespectful to me regardless of the reason, or else I will make sure you are fired."

Rohan was frustrated already for not getting hold of Tejasswi, the cherry on top of Aneri's temper. He was dissatisfied.

"Go ahead, do as you wish; just don't call me again." Aneri disconnected the call and held her head in both hands.

"How dare she hang up on me?"

Rohan was driven crazy by Aneri's audacity to sneer at him.

"What's wrong?" Rashmi asked, sitting opposite him and observing keenly.

"Aneri is such a glib tongue."
Rohan clinched his fist and released it, fuming inwardly and being paranoid by the news on-air about him.

"She has Tejasswi's back and is too loyal to her. She will not reveal Tejasswi's whereabouts, no matter what." Rashmi said and exhibited fake anger.

She hated Tejasswi to the core, and her folks left no chance to spit venom against her.

"I guess she knows nothing." Rohan spoke with deep thoughts. He felt truth and a kind of concern in Aneri's voice after questioning her several times.

"I don't buy it. Tejasswi fled after the Iconic Mode contest and told nobody, neither you nor Aneri. Has she disappeared into thin air?"

"What does that mean?"

"It's crystal clear; she is doing this on purpose, and Aneri is helping her."

"Why will she do that? She faced the humiliation and wrath, back on that day. It's obvious she doesn't want to face the world and is hiding somewhere."

Rohan was siding with Tejasswi, and Rashmi got furious. This was her taboo.

"Humiliation? Give me a break. The very next day, Tejasswi's name was clear, proving my assistant, Pari, guilty, and dragging me and you along with some sh*t piece of evidence. How did the media get those videos if Tejasswi hadn't done it?" Rashmi yelled and slammed her hand on the table.

"Wherever she is, didn't she watch the news? Why didn't she show up to your aid? That sly vixen is enjoying her holiday watching us in trouble."

Rashmi provoked Rohan against Tejasswi, and he was carried away.

"Is that so? Then I don't care if she has to atone for this. She has to clear your name; I will make sure." Rohan said.

"Where on earth are you, Tejasswi? I'm worried as hell but helpless." Aneri monologued while looking at her phone.

Tejasswi is somewhere; she doesn't know, but at least they were in touch until the day before. It's been over 24 hours since she called or texted her.

She was reading her recent chat with Tejasswi with gloomy eyes when her phone's message 'Tejasswi calling' flashed on the screen, making her smile with tears.

"Teju, where are you? Why didn't you call for so long?" Aneri said it earnestly.

"Let's meet and talk." Tejasswi said with a smile while alighting the plane.

The moment her flight landed at the Mumbai airport, she called Aneri, knowing her excitement to see her after three long days.

"Sounds amazing; finally you are back. I will show up to your place."

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