Tejasswi After Karan

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Aneri realized she had misspoken and hurt Tejasswi.
Tejasswi is a great human and was an amazing girlfriend to Rohan, who sacrificed so much in her life for him. This would have continued if he hadn't cheated on her.

On the contrary, Karan takes care of Tejasswi in all aspects in a short span.

"Ahh, my bad Teju, please don't cry. You were too good as a girlfriend to Rohan, but he was an asshole."

"To be honest, the roles reversed in your marriage. Mr. Kundrra was giving his best in the marriage, whereas you don't care about him but his family. Why do you want to please his family by ignoring such a gem?"

Aneri pacified her, and Tejasswi realized her fault in the matter.

"Perhaps you don't know, but nobody knows about the arrangements in Lonavala except me and Mr. Kundrra, not even his chief secretary, Ronny. He did everything, driving back and forth by himself."

Tejasswi was shocked by the new revelation. The great Karan Kundrra arranged all that by himself. "What, but why?"

"For your dignity. He doesn't want a single person on his team to know, then gossip about it behind his back. He looks high on you."

'So thoughtful of him.' Tejasswi felt guiltier for breaking the heart of such a great man.

"Aneri, please arrange my trip back as soon as possible." Tejasswi said it hurriedly. 'I need to catch up with him before it's too late.'

"All right, you will get a cab in the next 5 minutes. Break the leg."

Aneri disconnected the call, made a few calls to get contacts, and arranged a cab for Tejasswi in less than 5 minutes.

She was too anxious and so she failed to notice the moment she climbed into the cab, Karan drove back to her, but as he saw her getting into a cab by herself, he turned the car around.

All the way back home; Tejasswi was confused regarding Karan's whereabouts because he was sulky, and she couldn't even contact him.

"Oh, god gracious..." She arrived at the clan mansion early dawn, sighed at seeing the car he was driving last night in the parking lot. She headed to their room at her fastest pace.

The moment Tejasswi stepped into their room, she was surprised to see the mess.

'Seems like he had a second episode of tossing lifeless stuff to vent the anger. But where did he go?'

Tejasswi strided to Karan's study, but he was not there. She searched the bathroom, walk-in closet, balcony garden, and a few adjacent rooms on their floor but found him nowhere.

"Where did he disappear into thin air?" Tejasswi monologued while climbing down the stairs and headed to the kitchen in hope of finding Karan there.

Tejasswi was drowning in her misery, and at the door of the kitchen, she crashed into a staff member who had a tray with a hot water cup.

"Ahh, ouch...."

The water spewed on Tejasswi's breast, and she winched in pain.

"Oh gosh, my bad. Ma'am, please forgive me."
She panicked, hurriedly bowed, and apologized many times.

"It's ok......." Tejasswi was peeking inside to look for Karan, but the server pulled her inside the kitchen.

"No, ma'am, it's not ok; the water was boiled." She fetched the icepack and stretched her hand at Tejasswi, but she held her hand.

"I said I was fine. I will do it." Tejasswi said a bit sternly and looked around in disappointment for not finding Karan.

"Ma'am, I am extremely sorry I was distracted. Please don't report about it, or else I will be fired."

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