Parental Chronicles

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"What leads you to believe he's unable to be a father anymore?" Tejasswi's face contorted in confusion as she asked.

"In the accident, his reproductive system suffered irreversible damage, rendering him unable to father a child. This explains why he's so determined to find Rashmi and their baby. He had no knowledge of Rashmi's health, her demise, or the baby's whereabouts. If he discovers that the child is with us, being the biological father, he may make efforts to reclaim her, putting us at a disadvantage."

Karan shared the intelligence he'd obtained through his spy. A frigid breath escaped him as he stated, "Rashmi's assessment of him was accurate. He had no real concern, only a desire to take her baby."

Tejasswi stood up, her voice nervous yet determined. "This is utter nonsense! He can't just take my child away. She belongs with me. Rashmi entrusted me with her care after giving birth."

Swiftly, she scooped the baby from the cradle, clutching her tightly against her chest, inadvertently disrupting the baby's slumber. The idea of the baby being taken away was too much for her to bear.

"Waa, waa....." The baby began wailing.

"Teju, there's no need to get anxious, my love," Karan reassured, his voice filled with affection as he tenderly took the baby from Tejasswi, gently patting her back to soothe her.

In a mere two minutes, the baby slipped back into a profound slumber. Karan gently placed her back in the cradle and guided Tejasswi to sit on the bed. He sat beside her, tenderly clasping her hands in his own.

"Teju, have faith in me. I won't allow any malevolent force to come between us and our daughter. I've already set my plan in motion."

"How?" Tejasswi asked impatiently.

"First and foremost, I'll ensure Rohan Kapoor remains in the dark about the baby's true location. And even if he manages to discover it, I'm already in the process of preparing to confront him."

Karan, as was his custom, had already set his plan in motion to address the issue. Yet a trace of tension remained until it was resolved.

Tejasswi is in a similar state of unease. "How do you intend to accomplish that?" she questions.

"I've entrusted my most dependable manager with the task of dealing with the hospital records in Delhi. He'll leverage his contacts to obliterate any trace of Rashmi's medical history, her demise, and the baby's birth, making it appear as if Rashmi never set foot there. Even if Rohan Kapoor tries to investigate in that hospital, he'll come up empty-handed.

"Thank you, Sunny, for handling this so meticulously. Now, I won't have to fear Rohan and his malevolent plans," Tejasswi exclaimed with a broad smile.

She had been deeply distressed not long ago, but speaking with Karan had a profound effect. Once more, she felt empowered, believing that with Karan by her side, she could take on anything the world threw at her.

As he observed the emotions play across Tejasswi's face, Karan couldn't help but think, 'I hope you keep that smile forever. Yet, this isn't the end of our troubles; we still need to go through the legal adoption process before we can truly celebrate.'

It was clear to Karan that, in order to permanently keep someone else's child, legal adoption was necessary. However, Tejasswi remained unaware of this.

As if on cue, the intercom in their room chimed, coinciding with the baby's tiny eyes fluttering open. She stretched and moved her hands and legs in the air, clearly in a refreshed state after her nap. Karan rose to gently lift the baby, while Tejasswi reached for the ringing phone.

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