Echoes Of The Past

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"You're a woman I've cherished from a distance for a long time." Karan confessed.

With a blend of surprise and a warm flush, Tejasswi found herself in a state of disbelief.

"Come on, don't make up stories just to elevate my spirits."

Amidst his chuckles, Karan confessed, "However, I'd move mountains to see you smile; I'm honest about my crush."


Bursting with excitement, Tejasswi was on the edge of her seat, eager to get her questions answered. She had a list of things to confirm, but Karan intervened, putting a halt to her inquiries.

"Can you let me finish first?"

"Definitely," Tejasswi agreed, making a zipping gesture across her lips.

"I mentioned before that your interview inspired me, and later I happened to watch one of your movies, which turned me into a fan of your acting."

"Ever since then, in my spare moments, I've been devoted to searching for and watching your interviews. Slowly, I've made my way through each one, and my admiration for you has grown. Your journey towards becoming a self-made celebrity is truly remarkable."

Tejasswi could see the sincerity in his words and felt like she was floating on air. Her loving and successful husband, the business magnate Karan Kundrra, had been idolizing her in secret for so long, and the realization sent a delightful flutter through her stomach.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? We might have been together by now, and I wouldn't have had to go through all of this with  Rohan."

Tejasswi complained playfully with a fake grumpy face, which led Karan to chuckle.

"I can't argue with that; I was more of a secret admirer than someone with romantic intentions. I never even thought about dating you, to be completely honest. And I certainly didn't have any future plans that involved you or anyone else," he confessed sincerely, and Tejasswi felt a pang of disappointment.

"Simultaneously, my family began exerting an overwhelming amount of pressure on me to settle down. My dad even set up over 15 blind dates in a single week. I couldn't stand the daughters of wealthy tycoons who lived off their family's wealth. They irked me to the core, prompting my decision to move out."

Tejasswi empathized with Karan. She understood that marriages within business families could be burdensome for young individuals, often leading to eventual divorces.

"Ohh, then? Did they stop bothering you?"

"Partially, they did. I threw myself back into work, finding solace in its rhythm. Life was serene until the day I encountered you at an award ceremony. Handing you the best actress award, I was entranced by your beauty. I had intentions to ask you out, but then I got wind of your non-celebrity boyfriend."

"Were you heartbroken?" Tejasswi asked, her expression filled with compassion.

"Of course not. I moved on." Karan refuted casually.

"I see....." Tejasswi pondered for a moment before raising a new question. "Sunny, I'm still puzzled about why you opted for a contract marriage when you clearly disliked those rich dad's daughters."

"Ahh, it's all entangled with the codicil of legacy." Karan rubbed his temple.

"What?" Tejasswi didn't get a damn about Karan's speech.

"The tradition in the Kundrra family, spanning generations, dictates that the legacy of ancestors is only passed down after marriage. My parents, too, received it following their marriage."

Fateful Contractजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें