The Envelope's Secret

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"Blackmail?" Tejasswi was taken aback. "What do they have against you?"
Karan held Tejasswi's hand between both of his hands gently and spoke with glassy eyes. "Teju, do you trust me?"
Tejasswi nodded her head, looking at Karan's face intensely.
"I'm holding something of immense weight, and I'm not yet ready to unveil it. Can we leave it unspoken?" Karan's words were gentle, imbued with deep affection.
Even though Tejasswi maintained a certain stiffness and was unwilling to let it go until she had the full story, she found herself swayed by Karan's request once more. She was convinced he had a solid reason.
"Very well, I won't inquire further, but don't expect forgiveness just yet. You had your reasons, yet you could have confided in me."
"It's not the concealment of our marriage that bothers me, but the lack of explanation," Tejasswi said sternly, turning her back to him once more.
Karan let out a gentle sigh, a faint smile gracing his lips. "She doesn't know how to get angry or throw a tantrum. Her simplicity has my heart racing."
"I'll bear the weight of your anger and do everything in my power to calm you, even if it requires me to grovel and beg for your forgiveness," Karan said with utmost sincerity and gentleness.
This marked the inaugural instance of him apologizing in such a submissive manner, yet he felt he would go to great lengths for Tejasswi.
"This will not work." Tejasswi said without turning to him.
Karan chuckled. "Shall I get on my knees then?" He said this and rose to his feet to kowtow.
"Why are you making me feel worse?" She winched and turned to him.
Though she is upset with Karan, he can't see the almighty Karan Kundrra groveling.
"You can't fathom, Teju, the role you play in my life. I owe you my entire existence." Karan's voice was filled with a profound love, gentle and sincere.
As he exhaled, relief washed over him. It was the first time in ages he mustered the courage to divulge the darkest period of his life—a chapter he felt ashamed of.
"What are you talking about?"
"A dozen years ago, after getting betrayed by Shamita, I was on the verge of ending my life, but thankfully you saved it like an angel."
"What the hell?"
Though it was a past event, the revelation of Karan's suicidal thoughts still caused her heart to ache. She tried to rise, but Karan's reassuring grip on her shoulder guided her to sit up and settled her against the headboard.
"After Shamita left me, the pain ran deep. I buried myself in work, hoping it would numb the misery, but it was in vain," Karan confessed, his face rigid but his eyes steady, fixed on a distant point.
Tejasswi observed the depth of his deep brown eyes and sensed the weight of his emotions.
"Then, what did you do?" She asked impatiently.
"For more than 5 years, I worked like a machine in order to earn more and more money and achieve success at the top. Then one day I felt exhausted."
"It grew unbearable for me to see her laughing and enjoying her life every day while I simmered in fury. She hurt my feelings, crushed my heart, and kept on living under the same roof as me like nothing had happened."
"Despite being a workaholic for years, I couldn't shake off the pain of betrayal by a woman. I harbored a desire to see her suffer, but I refrained from seeking retribution against the one who had made my life miserable, and it weighed heavily on my emotions and self-esteem."
"After sealing a lucrative deal and achieving yet another milestone, I secluded myself in the room and decided to end this meaningless life."
"Karan." Tejasswi flinched.
Karan gave Teju's hand a reassuring squeeze. "Relax, Teju. It's history now. I'm here, completely safe. I was naive back then to think that my death would be their punishment."
"That day, engulfed in a whirlwind of thoughts, I absentmindedly surfed through channels until I paused at your interview."
"My interview?" Tejasswi was surprised.
"I came across your interview discussing the path to success after the phenomenal achievement of your film, 'A Lone Tear,' and your words left a lasting impression on me."
"Even in the midst of adversity, never let go of yourself. Keep fighting. Maybe you'll triumph, maybe not. But to stop fighting is to hand victory to others on a silver platter. Isn't that right?" Tejasswi exclaimed as she passionately recited the iconic line from her film.
"No..." Karan firmly shook his head. "Choosing to give up on yourself affects only your own life, not anyone else's. After enduring numerous hardships, you deserve to rise, not fall. Have confidence in yourself. The closing words of your interview were a wellspring of inspiration for me."
Tejasswi could sense the genuineness in his gaze, but it was difficult for her to come to terms with the fact that he had admired her, albeit in his own unique way, for such a long time.
"You even remember my interview vividly."
"I know, Teju, you're bewildered, but your interview and the weight of your words not only saved my life but motivated and pushed me towards becoming a better version of myself." Karan said and sighed.
There was a peaceful smile on his lips, a sense of tranquility washing over him after entrusting the deepest secret of his most challenging period to the one person he deemed worthy of knowing.
Tejasswi experienced a sense of warmth, realizing that her words, without her knowledge, had served as a beacon of hope, guiding someone out of the shadows and into the light.
"I'm glad you moved on and achieved success."
Their hands intertwined, and Karan and Tejasswi spoke at length, providing comfort for each other's wounds. When they eventually let go of the pain from losing their fleeting joy, both had eyes misted with emotion.
"You won't even believe that..." Their moment was disturbed by the sharp ring of Karan's phone.
"Vicky, very bad timing..." Karan mumbled and headed out to answer the call.
"Boss, when did you go off? Why didn't you call me to drive?"
Karan realized, after finding out Tejasswi had woken up, that he had forgotten everything.
"I rushed back to the hospital to see Tejasswi."
"Oh, I see. Boss, now order me to deal with the assailant." Vicky said it hurriedly.
Karan rubbed his forehead. "What are you talking about, Vicky? You even mentioned the assailant back then?"
'What's wrong with the boss? Doesn't he want to punish the culprit as soon as possible?'
"Boss, I was counting on a swift response against the assailant. I presumed you deferred the matter because of the party."
"Vicky, stop talking in riddles."
"Boss, the confidential envelope I left in your study has a gargantuan secret."
"In my study? Are you serious?" Karan yelled and strode out of the hospital.
He made a quick call to Aneri before heading to the car, entrusting her with Tejasswi's care. Subsequently, he called Tejasswi.
"Honey, I apologize for leaving without notifying you. There's an urgent matter that requires my immediate attention."
Though Tejasswi felt bad, she didn't want to pull another fight. "It's ok. Take care." She said that and disconnected the call.
Karan drove at the fastest speed and pulled over the car at the clan mansion to see Vicky waiting for him.
"What prompted you to leave the envelope in the study, and when did you do it?" He asked while marching in and released the knot of the tie.
"Just two days ago, while I was in the midst of reporting to you, Miss Sharma came in, and I had to abandon it there."
"Then it has to be here," Karan stated, entering with urgency and swiftly scanning for the envelope. His frustration grew as he came up empty-handed.
"Where was it?" He raised his eyebrows.
"I kept it under the blue file." Vicky pointed at the file on the table.
"Everything else is in its place, so where on earth is that confidential envelope?" Karan shouted.
In the midst of lifting the blue file to cast it away, he abruptly paused, recognizing the culprit nestled within. It had to be her doing.
"What was the matter inside the envelope?" Karan asked hurriedly.
"There was an accomplice between us who assisted the perpetrator. They captured images of Miss Sharma with Rohan Kapoor in the basement and forwarded them to you."
"Who was it?" Karan raised his eyebrows.
"He was Ronny."

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