Bleeding Heart

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"Tejasswi, we traveled across states to be here, just to see you. It's disheartening to be overlooked like this," Parvati said pleadingly, but her demeanor was stiff, holding Tejasswi's hand firmly.

Tejasswi's voice held a firm edge. "Grandmother, when have I ever ignored you? We just had an honest conversation, something we never did in those 22 years I lived with you."

She strained to release her hand from Parvati's unwavering hold, but to no avail. In a soft tone, Parvati commented, "You're referring to it as a heart-to-heart conversation? You're only undermining your own family."

Anjana stepped in, a frown creasing her forehead, and gently untangled Tejasswi's arm from Parvati's grasp. Her voice was stern as she requested, "Mrs. Sharma, could you please have this conversation from a bit of a distance? Let's not cause unnecessary distress."

"Mrs. Kundrra, I deeply regret my outburst, but can't you see how she's growing harsh with us? We're her family, after  all." Parvati's voice wavered with a hint of hoarseness, and she fought back a few tears.

"Please, Grandma, don't think I'm finding any joy in this. It's a source of immense pain for me too, but sadly, this bitterness has been woven into the fabric of my family history." Tejasswi confessed, tears streaming down her cheeks once more.

In an instant, Karan embraced her, providing a sense of comfort as he tenderly rubbed her back.

"Tejasswi, why are you creating scenes over past issues when you know our circumstances well? Mom and dad raised Rashmi tenderly solely for the sake of the late aunt Richa." Ishan said.

"Right, Tejasswi, let bygones be bygones." Shekhar said.

Nestled in Karan's embrace, Tejasswi let her tears flow until Aneri arrived with a glass of water. Aneri lovingly encouraged her to take a few sips and regain her composure.

Tejasswi, with a sniffle, directed her gaze towards Shekhar and Ishan. She murmured, "So, I should just heed your words, or else you'll cut ties with me, correct? Oh, how silly of me! I almost forgot; you already severed those ties years ago. Now, is it convenient for you to converse with me?"

Tejasswi faced strong opposition from Shekhar and Ishan when she expressed her aspiration to become an actress. Undeterred, she remained determined to follow her dream, leading both of them to declare they would never see her again.

"I hope you realize, Tejasswi, that we were upset that day because you decided to forge your own path in your career without taking our plans into account," Ishan said in a polite attempt to persuade her.

Shekhar's enterprises included construction and garment businesses, and he envisioned his children inheriting them. To this end, he guided Ishan into engineering for the construction company and insisted Tejasswi focus on fashion design to run the fashion house. However, Tejasswi's decision to follow a different path equally surprised and unsettled both Shekhar and Ishan.

"I find it hard to understand why you all chose to abandon me and never bothered to inquire about how I was managing on my own, simply because you were upset. Yet, when Rashmi wanted to pursue her acting career, why didn't you show the same disapproval? Dad, Ishan, why did you both come to me for help with her career? This favoritism is incredibly hurtful."

Tejasswi exploded once more, realizing that the decision to sever ties was solely fueled by their anger towards her pursuit of a career that was exclusively her own.

"Why didn't you treat her the way you treated me? What pained me the most was witnessing both of you not only permitting her to pursue her dream but actively supporting her in her struggle. You went to great lengths to arrange her accommodation and secure her livelihood. Yet, none of you cared to inquire about my hardships when I was also a struggler."

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