Tejasswi Accepted Karan

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"Cough, cough." Aneri coughed hard and asked. "What, husband and wife?"

Tejasswi got married, which was a shocking enough, but she was astonished to find out that she got herself, a business tycoon like Karan Kundrra, as her husband.

"Chill, Aneri......."

Tejasswi tried to coax her, but she pounced on her verbally.

"How could I relax? When did you get married? Why didn't I know? How did Mr. Kundrra end up as the groom? Since how long did you both know each other? Were you dating secretly? Who else knows about it? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Enough Aneri......." Tejasswi slammed her hand on the table, being pissed by Aneri's series of questions that had her startled.

"I got married to Mr. Kundrra the day Rohan ditched me."

"What?" Aneri's eyes widen.

"For a reason, he was looking for a bride, and I found him the perfect groom to plan my revenge on Rohan and Rashmi. Tejasswi said it straightforwardly, and Aneri coughed again.

"Are you spilling the beans? Aneri whispered in her ear.

"He knew it, Tejasswi replied.
Aneri sighed. "I see....."

"The bunch of guards who rescued me out of the designer competition were sent by him."

"I knew that there must be an influential person behind it.

Aneri recalled the scene of the black-suited guard and got excited with the thought that Tejasswi had the back of the almighty Karan Kundrra.

"We flew to London, and we were there for 3 days. I discussed the entire script and audition with you from there only."

Tejasswi confided the entire truth she had hidden from Aneri.

"To be real? Aneri was surprised again. "You kept so many things from me. It hurts." Aneri pouted or turned her face.

Tejasswi grabbed her chin and tilted her face, but she was all grumpy.

"Sorry about that, but I have my reasons."

"I don't care; why didn't you tell me about your marriage before? I thought we were more than friends, but I am a mere manager to you, isn't it?"

Here comes the drama queen Aneri, whom Tejasswi is scared of. She made the dinner quite chaotic.

"I asked her not to disclose about marriage. I have my reasons." Karan said it in his usual hard tone. I hope this is adequate to satisfy your curiosity."

Karan's one reply put an end to Aneri's tantrums and endless question hour.

"It's surfeit......" She said immediately.

Tejasswi giggled. She had a hard time coaxing Aneri, but having Karan by her side and his bossy aura made it easier.

"Great, then let's have dinner."

Karan poured drinks for everybody.

"Only one for you." He said this while pouring for Tejasswi.

Tejasswi nodded with a smile.
"Did you tell him about your bad alcohol tolerance if he had an experience?" Aneri asked while sipping her drink.

Tejasswi didn't answer; she just tilted her head and gave a look, which was enough for her to understand the situation in which she landed being drunk.

"Really?" Aneri asked in baritone and raised her eyebrows.

Tejasswi blinked her eyes and bobbled her head softly.

"I see. It seems like you both know a lot about each other. Regardless of the reason, Mr. Kundrra, I hope you announce your marriage with Teju to the world soon. She is a celeb..."

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