The Cunning Rashmi

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"Rashmi, I told you many times before, do not barge into my mansion unannounced. Tejasswi is still my girlfriend in the eyes of my staff and folks." Rohan yelled at Rashmi, who came to his place in a rush.

Rashmi was driven crazy by the mention of Tejasswi. She was already smoldering since the news of Tejasswi being the lead heroine of Royman Productions broke to her.

"Do hell with your Tejasswi. Do you even know what she is playing behind your back?" Rashmi burst out.

"Now what?" Rohan asked, being dissatisfied.

He took a day off to get some peaceful time alone after going through challenging days lately. Here comes the end of his serenity.

"She is coming back on screen through Royman Productions."

This is surprising news for Rohan, but he got excited. Back then, he asked Tejasswi to leave the industry to get the limelight through her, being her boyfriend. Now her coming back with a big production will get him attention.

"So what?" Rohan said carelessly while unlocking the phone to contact Tejasswi.

Rohan's cold reaction disappointed Rashmi. "Aren't you shocked?" That shrewd vixen planned this to backfire on me. She knew already, I am the designer for the main leads."

Rohan shook his head. Though he likes Rashmi, she is unreasonable and fussy.

"Rashmi, keep your personal and professional lives separate and focus on your work; otherwise,  your attitude will take you nowhere. Learn from Tejasswi how to be professional. Even knowing you will be on the same project with her, she isn't bothered."

"It seems only Tejasswi is right, and I am a fussy bitch." Rashmi yelled and began crying.

"Why will joining the project affect her when she is at an advantage? She got another chance to look down on me." She kept on wailing and yelling.

"You're making a mountain out of a molehill." Rohan rubbed his temple.

"Why is that bitch always righteous for you, who didn't even tell you before signing the contract? On the contrary, the moment I got this news, I drove myself to your office because your number wasn't reachable. You were not in your office; that's why I drove again all the way to your mansion, being in my first trimester, just to break this news."

"Here you're preaching me a lesson about personal and professional life; did she break her plan to come back to you, let alone seek permission?"

Rashmi was creating havoc, crying and cursing Tejasswi, until Rohan was persuaded that she was right and Tejasswi was wrong. He was swayed by Rashmi's emotional drama.

"Relax, Rashmi; I will call and talk to Tejasswi. You shouldn't cry; the child will be affected. Have some water." Rohan coaxed Rashmi and gave her a cup of water.

"You should confront her. How could she take on any project without letting you know? Isn't this a kind of deceit?" Rashmi winched again.

"Right, I will call her here." Rohan said and dialed Tejasswi's number.

Tejasswi was driving at her fastest pace when her phone rang.

'Mr. Money is calling' flashed on the screen.

"Yes, Mr. Kundrra...."

"Where did you go in a hurry? I thought to have a dinner together."

After the signing event, Karan was looking for Tejasswi and was informed that she had already left.

"My manager, Aneri's aunt, had a second episode of cardiac arrest. I had to rush to the hospital. She is like family to me." Tejasswi said it hurriedly and looked out of the windshield.

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