The Enigma Unraveled

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"What nonsense; how could Ronny do that?" Karan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, boss. Ronny provided assistance to the culprit. While their association was brief, he was complicit."

Even Vicky felt blue to disclose this, but the fact will remain unchanged that Ronny betrayed Karan.

Karan clutched his head, unable to comprehend. Ronny, a trusted subordinate, had turned on him. What could have driven him to betray Karan?

"How did you get to know?" Karan asked with a stiff face.

"Through the recovered texts."

Karan ran his fingers in his hair. "Where is he right now?"

"I've assigned someone to tail him ever since I uncovered his deception. However, two days ago, he tried to flee the city, forcing me to detain him." Vicky said.

"Hmm, I see. Two days ago, you handed me the reports. It's possible the perpetrator stole it after we exited the study. She may have given him a heads-up, leading to his attempt to be fugitive." Karan said it with deep thoughts.

"I share the same thoughts. I tried to inquire from Ronny, but he refused to say anything."

"Call the security head of the clan mansion here, right away."

Karan ordered while taking a seat in his chair behind the table. Vicky made the call hurriedly.

In a matter of minutes, the head of security appeared before Karan and asked with respect, "Young master Kundrra, how may I assist you?"

"There seems to be something important missing from my study. Kindly instruct your team to investigate and report on who accessed my study after 11:00 a.m. two days ago."

"Sure sir." The security chief nodded and promptly made a call to his team in the security room, issuing instructions.

Ten minutes later, he received a call from the security room supervisor and was stunned to hear the answer.

"What, how could that be? You moron, what were you people doing? How could you let this happen?" The security head burst on his subordinates.

"What's wrong?" Karan raised his eyebrows.

"My team found a section of footage missing. At 10:34 am, you walked into the study room, followed by Vicky sir, and never came out. The time clock jumped to 12:30 p.m."

"What the hell is going on in your security team?" Vicky yelled.

"I sincerely apologize for the negligence." The security head trembled in fear.

"Find out and procure information on the person who broke into the security room and tampered with the footage. Provide me with a personal report, and ensure that this stays under wraps. Have I made myself clear?" Karan warned the security head.

"Count on me, young master."

"Shake a leg." Vicky yelled again, making the security head shiver, and ran out.

"What a bummer." Vicky said and sighed, then turned his gaze to Karan's face, who was lost in thoughts.

"That's absurd! Why on earth was a portion of the footage erased while we were present in the room, rather than only when the perpetrator sneaked in after we left? Is this an effort to feign a malfunction?" Vicky said.

"I have a feeling the perpetrator was positioned outside the study room while we were inside, possibly eavesdropping," Karan said with deep thoughts.

Vicky's eyes widen. "You got it right, boss."

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