The Audition

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"Sir, you are one of the toughest directors in the industry; how come you let a producer intervene in your audition and trample on your plans?"

"Mr. Kundrra is not someone I mess with. He is the sole owner of Royman Productions and the king of big-budget movies. His name is enough to tame the arrogant and nitpicking actors."

Tejasswi stepped into the audition room and heard director Khanna's chat with his assistant. She was partially impressed by Karan's aura in the industry but feared his presence.

A few moments before she walked out of the press conference, she received Karan's call.

"Get home now. Let's catch up." Karan said sternly:

Tejasswi knew this outcome from watching her take blame for Rashmi. He must be furious, and she can't face him right now.

"I am afraid I can't make it. I have something important on schedule." Tejasswi denied it politely.

She drove Karan further sulky; nobody has ever dared say no to him.

"What's that? Don't keep the things with me." Karan held his anger and asked.

Even Tejasswi never answered anyone about her work in the past, not even Rohan, but she couldn't beat Karan's temperament.

She sighed softly and revealed her audition. "I am currently heading to Galaxy Studios for the audition for the main lead."

Karan thought for a while and ordered again. "Don't participate. It's Royman Productions project; the role will be yours. Get home and talk to me."

"I appreciate your help, but I would rather fight for it than get privileged. I believe in my talent and capabilities."

Tejasswi denied it again. She is a woman with principles.

"Fine......." Karan hung up the phone. He had enough of this rebellious and stubborn woman.

"Hello Tejasswi Sharma...."
Director Khanna's warm voice zoomed Tejasswi out of her thoughts.

"Hi there, director Khanna. It's been a long time." Tejasswi bowed with a smile and greeted everyone.

"Since you left the industry, I am glad you are back. I was looking forward to working with you."

Director Khanna was overwhelmed and ga-ga over Tejasswi. He had already chosen her as the main lead in his head and planned no audition for her, but Karan played spoilsport.

"Not, with no audition... Karan said. He was meddling in Tejasswi and the director's conversation. Both looked at him.

"Everyone must put on a fight rather than get privileged. Use the talent to get, rather than using their fame." Karan said, ironically looking into Tejasswi's eyes with a poker face.

'What's wrong with Mr. Kundrra? He never talks so much. The director thought with surprise.

The entire unit was taken aback by Karan's speech. A man of few words spoke a long phrase. Whereas Tejasswi knew what he was up to.

'I was right; he is here to teach me a lesson for being disobedient to him.

"Am I right, Miss Sharma?"

Karan's words poked her.
Tejasswi nodded her head.

"Absolutely, hard work always pays off."

"Let's begin then."


Tejasswi and Karan had a passionate eye-to-eye conversation and challenged each other.

"The script......" A boy gave her the scripts for different scenes.

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