Final Showdown

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"I may not have singled out your name, but to the plaintiff's lawyer, your statement carried significant weight."

Vicky's remark triggered laughter in the courtroom, leaving Chowdhary feeling offended.

"Excuse me, we don't need to play a cheap trick when truth is our ally. Mr. Kapoor is Saanjh's biological father, and a parent needs no justification to reclaim their daughter."

"Your honor, I earnestly implore the court to weigh Mr. Kapoor's blood relation to the child and render a decision in his favor. Allow an anguished father to reunite with his daughter."

Chowdhary, at this moment, had no recourse but to go to court, relying on Rohan's biological fatherhood as the sole influential factor in tilting the case in their favor.

Vicky sighed and shook his head, accustomed to Chowdhary's theatrical displays and feigned emotions aimed at swaying the court.

"What if there's a legitimate reason?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow.


"What if I propose that even a father like Rohan may have a rationale for abruptly searching for his unborn child, whom he had left with his pregnant wife? Would you be willing to consider that possibility?"

Rohan and Chowdhary exchanged shocked glances, bewildered by what he was up to, considering they had already laid all their cards on the table.

"Defense lawyer, stop beating around the bush and get straight to the point." The judge warned him sternly.

"Your honor, based on recent information I've obtained, the plaintiff has a substantial reason for seeking the child abruptly, whom he willingly left with his pregnant wife, without searching for them for three months. To substantiate my claim, I have a few questions for the plaintiff. May I proceed?"

"Go ahead......"

Vicky got the permission, and Rohan found himself back on the witness stand, akin to a headless chicken, bewildered by his opponent's unpredictable strategy.

"Mr. Kapoor, based on my information, Miss Rashmi was at the end of her fifth month when she returned to Delhi, correct?"

Again, Vicky's question left Rohan perplexed; he glanced at his lawyer, then at Tejasswi and Karan, finally nodding slightly in response.

"I believe..."

"Then, out of the blue, after four months, you made your first call to her, and when unsuccessful, you sent numerous emails, correct? Is there a particular reason for missing your ex-wife just before her due date, especially considering the divorce occurred a month after your marriage?"

Rohan regained composure and retorted with a touch of sternness, "Why can't I pine for my love after a few months of parting ways? Is there a ticking clock on recognizing one's mistakes and seeking redemption?"

"Oops, it seems to have touched a nerve there. Mr. Kapoor, you're free to do some soul-searching whenever, but I'm simply curious: What's the scoop on this sudden change of heart?" Vicky raised his eyebrows, smirking inwardly at getting under Rohan's skin.

"You're mistaken; there is no such thing." Rohan responded with a grumpy tone.

"It appears your memory slipped, but no worries, I'll jog it for you. Mr. Kapoor, you had an accident a week before reaching out to Rashmi for the first time; could this be the catalyst for your change of heart?"

"An accident?" Chowdhury muttered in confusion, oblivious to a newfound secret about his client.

Rohan was taken aback and cast a fiery glare at Tejasswi, who sat next to Karan with a devilish smirk on her lips, mirroring her expression.

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