On the Move: Family Edition

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"Shivi, stop right there! Come back immediately. What in the world are you going on about?" Rajesh yelled, yet Shivangi remained unfazed.

He stood up with the intention of following her, but Anjana intervened. "Rajesh, chill out. There's no need to get all worked up for no reason."

"Mom, what's with her behavior? Why the heck was she talking about breaking up? Is she losing it?" Rajesh became anxious all over again.

"Dad, calm down. It's their business; we shouldn't intervene. They probably had a disagreement; they'll work it out themselves. Their long relationships don't let them split over trivial things," Karan said, handing Rajesh a glass of water.

"Dad, Karan made sense. Let's give Shivangi some time to reflect on it, or I'll have a discussion with her."

Rajesh found solace in Tejasswi's reassurance, exhaling a long breath. "Yes, Tejasswi, please go ahead. This situation is giving me quite a scare."

"Okay, Dad. Take a deep breath. I'll address this with her now."

Tejasswi sprang to her feet and hurriedly trailed after Shivangi, who was on her way to the exit and had an unexpected collision.

Vicky rushed into the mansion, colliding with Shivangi at the entrance. She lost her footing, only to be steadied by his sturdy arms. In that charged moment, they locked eyes, the world fading into the background.

Tejasswi couldn't contain her mischievous delight at the sight. She deftly plucked her phone from her jeans pocket and snapped numerous photos of their romantic encounter. Dad can put his worries to rest," she mused.

Tejasswi's joy was quickly extinguished as Shivangi regained her composure and bellowed, "Get your hands off me! How dare you!"

'This girl has completely lost it," Tejasswi muttered, smacking her own forehead in frustration.

"Are you in your right mind? You'll drop like a stone if I release you," Vicky countered sharply.

"That's none of your affair. Let go of me!" Shivangi's voice rang out again, prompting Vicky to release his hold.

The impact sent her crashing to the ground with a loud thud, her anger surging to its zenith. She rose with a flushed red face, blocking Vicky's path as he attempted to move past her after causing her fall.

"How dare you, you reckless maniac! You threw me to the ground and stormed into my house uninvited!"

"The situation is graver than we thought," Karan whispered into Tejasswi's ear as he settled in to watch the show with the rest of the family, having been jolted by Shivangi's forceful cry.

"I don't need your say-so to see my boss, especially in his own mansion," Vicky declared, giving Shivangi a firm push and heading towards Karan in the living hall.

"Boss, are you planning to host a party to introduce Angel to the world?" Vicky inquired with impatience; his tension was evident.

"It's not your affair," Shivangi chimed in from behind, shadowing Vicky into the living hall. "You evidently have no desire to be part of the party. Actually, you seemed bothered when I brought it up."

With morning light, Shivangi called Vicky to discuss the party and their engagement. Vicky, however, grew sullen, insisting that the Kundrra family should refrain from hosting any gatherings at the moment.

"Indeed, we had arranged for her naming ceremony and Shamita and Shivangi's engagement to coincide, but it appears you're not in favor of the engagement," Karan responded.

"I strongly oppose the event, boss. You can't jeopardize our entire plan like this."

"Do you have to poke your nose into everything?" Shivangi grumbled once more, but nobody paid heed to her blabber and moved on with the topic.

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