Not Drugs !

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Peter knew from the look on his parents' faces that he was in trouble when he walked through the elevator doors onto their floor after spending the night at Wade's place.

He tried to lighten the mood, not really knowing why he was in trouble, but deciding to make the best of it, "Hey, what's up. Wade's mom dropped me off, she was nice." he said awkwardly, not knowing what to say or do. Steve and Tony both sat on the couch as they just watched him. Peter could see that Pops was more concerned than angry, but Dad stood up and narrowed his eyes towards him, clearly showing anger.

Peter suddenly became defensive. Even though he didn't know what he did wrong, he was ready to argue against it to cover his ass, especially if it had anything to do with his abilities or pills. Tony pointed to the armchair and then crossed his arms, still standing, "Sit down."

Peter sighed deeply and quietly with that, slowly walking over to the armchair. He sat down and looked back and forth between Steve and Tony, biting his lip nervously, "What is this about?" he asked, looking at Pops for an answer.

Steve looked away, not wanting to look at his son. "Pete," Tony started, catching Peter's attention, "I have a question for you."

Peter shook his head and shrugged, noticing his dad was trying to calm down and not show as much anger as he had been when he first arrived, "Sure, what's going on?"

Tony turned to look at Steve and Steve just seemed to sigh with what Peter sensed as disappointment. Tony reached for something in his back pocket and then what he revealed to Peter made his heart freeze.

The money. It was the money. He found it.

Shit. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Shit

Peter's head was spinning. He hadn't thought of what to say if he was actually caught. This was it. They caught him. How could he lie anymore?

He was going to try his best to get through this and prayed to God that it would pull through.

"Do you know where I found this?" his dad asked him.

Peter hadn't even thought of a lie yet, but nodded, "Yeah..."

Tony shook his head, tucking the money back away and then sat down next to Steve, who then reached for Tony's hand to hold. Peter just bit his lip again and tried to think of something... and quickly. Steve seemed to take over the conversation as the pain hit Tony, the feeling of failing as a father, "What were you using the money for?" Steve asked, trying to find reason in Peter's eyes.

Peter wasn't going to give up the freedom of knowing about his secret powers. This could become an advantage to him. He could do something with his powers that his parents would restrict if they knew about him having them.

He finally thought of a lie just in time, "I'm so sorry. I didn't think you would really notice. I took the money because there's this kid at my school, okay, and his parents are never there for him. Like his dad is in jail and his mom doesn't even support him and he always wears like the same clothes too. I was talking to him and he told me all about it and I just decided to help him out a little. Just so he could buy new clothes and shoes and food." He made sure to deepen the length of the lie, making it more convincing.

Both of Steve's and Tony's expressions wiped completely and changed to blank faces. Tony let go of Steve's hand and just stared at Peter, "Why didn't you tell us about it?" Peter couldn't tell if they believed him or not, but no matter what, he had to act as if it was real, just like with Wade. Damn, he was getting pretty experienced in the whole lying thing. He just sank lower into the armchair, fiddling with his fingers, "Sorry... I really didn't think you would notice, with all the money you usually carry..." Steve agreed with Peter on that one, all the money that Tony keeps on him when going places.

Raising Peter (Sequel to Opposites Attract- Stony/Superfamily/Spideypool Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now