Anxious Contentment

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It had been three months since the encounter between Spider-man and Deadpool. Peter was still on his frantic manhunt behind Wade's back to try and locate Deadpool, aka, his now sworn enemy. Ever since the cops spotted Spider-Man with Deadpool that night, news had spread throughout the city that Spider-Man was linked to Deadpool, making Peter even more determined to take him down to redeem himself.

Meanwhile, Steve and Tony were moving forward on their differences from their past issues and were learning what it was like to love each other again. Trust was slowly returning and counseling was finally getting somewhere. Although they had destroyed their marriage almost a year ago, they still hadn't given up. Not only for love's sake, but for Peter's, and the sake of the Avengers.

While love was building itself back up, it was as if they were completely rebuilding their relationship.

As for Peter and Wade, they were still going strong and while Peter was still a goody-goody, Wade was often getting him to do things he never would ever think of doing.


"Did Pete say where he was going?" Steve asked Tony as they both managed to carry in their groceries. "I think he said... I think he's with wade?"

Steve sighed as they set the bags from the store on their kitchen counter. "Is that his only friend now? What happened to Mary-Jane? Or Harry? He knows how we don't like Wade..."

"Yeah, but we can't control who he hangs out with, I mean, he's in high school." Tony started to empty the bags of food and set them on the counter.

"Have we found any further information on the 'Spider-Man'?" Steve changed the subject, thinking about the news channel last night. It had claimed that no further evidence had been shown to prove that the Spider-Man was working with the maniacal Deadpool, but that one should keep caution.

Tony sighed, helping to put things where they belonged, "No, but like I've always said, it's really nothing we should worry about. With so many different 'superheroes' emerging... you know it's practically impossible for it to be our son. Besides, this guy is in no way a teenager. Have you seen those videos of him. No freakin' way."

Steve thought about it, like the many times he'd thought about it before. He just couldn't help but wonder if it was his son. Not to mention he hasn't really been as strict the past months due to the personal issues with Tony.

"I know, I know..." he finished putting few foods into their refrigerator. "I feel like we always have this conversation but I just get so worried, you know?"

Tony walked by the island counter over toward his husband, who had just closed the fridge. "Hey, I know. It freaks me out too, it really does. But he's been taking his pills. And Peter... believe me... the technology we've picked up that he uses- my best bet is that whoever this person is, they're extremely smart..." Tony paused and lowered his voice, "Not only smart, but very rich or at least knows how to get hold of and use very small forms of technology. And although Peter is super smart... it's impossible that he created the things we've found out at HQ."

Steve ran his fingers through his hair and agreed, "Thanks honey. I know that you're right. I don't know why I get so stressed. It's over nothing."

"I'm gonna call Pete right now and see if he'll be home for dinner."

"He better be," Steve muttered, "he's missed dinner the past two nights this week- like what's with that?"

Tony pulled out his phone and dialed Peter's number. He held the phone up to his ear and as it rang, he looked at his husband, "Teenagers... they need their independence." The phone rang thrice before Tony heard another voice on the end. "Hey Pete." Tony smiled over the phone, "Where are you at right now?"

Raising Peter (Sequel to Opposites Attract- Stony/Superfamily/Spideypool Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now