Chapter 1

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It was 5 am and the river was so calm it could have been mistaken for a mirror reflecting the orange and yellow sunrise. The soft summer breeze made it that much more perfect. There was sheer beauty in the still water, dim lit sky, and full green trees. I loved sitting on the dock and just relaxing. This was my getaway place. Some place no one could bother me, a place where I could be myself.

I reach for my guitar and let the music come to me. My fingers knowing exactly what to do as I lost myself in the song. I opened my mouth and my voice came out shaky as I thought about the lyrics in the song. These words are as true now as they were when I was 15.

They painted up your secrets

With the lies they told to you

And the least they ever gave you

Was the most you ever knew

 And I wonder where these dreams go

When the world gets in your way

What's the point in all this screaming?

No one's listening anyway

Your voice is small and fading

And you're hiding here alone

And your mother loves your father

Cause she's got nowhere to go

 And she wonders where these dreams go

Cause the world got in her way

What's the point in ever trying?

Nothing's changing anyway

They press their lips against you

And you love the lies they say

And they tried so hard to reach you

But you're falling anyway

And you know I see right through you

Cause the world gets in your way

What's the point in all this screaming?

You're not listening anyway

I laid the guitar back in it's case and looked out onto the water wishing I could stay like this forever.

 "You're really good..."

I turn around startled to find a boy with a head of curls and shinning green eyes staring at me. I couldn't help but stare back. He was truly stunning. I didn't know it was possible for someone who wore a simple grey t-shirt and black shorts to look as good as he did. There was a feeling I had that I never felt before and it was weird cause this kid only spoke three words to me.

My breath felt llike it was caught at the sight of this boy. His skin was a shade of pale that could only fit him. He wore a warm smile on his lips that allowed his dimples to come through. I had realized I had been staring and decided to not be an awkward twat and say something.

"Thanks... I didn't know anyone else was here." I don't know why but this guy had me a little flustered. Something about him just made me feel nervous.

"Well I'm glad I was able to hear that." He flashed me a dimpled smile and if possible his eyes shone even more. "What did you write that song about?" He started stepping onto the dock and towards me.

"Um, It's kinda personal..."

How can you tell a perfect stranger the meaning of a song that basically describes your life? A sad boy that no one cares about. His family is a wreck, and his life is falling apart. He closes himself off as the weight of the world falls on his shoulders, and he screams for help with no one wanting to listen. This is my life...

"Okay that's fair." He said as he showed off his warm smile and dimples again. "Where'd you get the bruise?" He asked pointing to my eye.

"Oh I just huh, fell down the stairs. Guess I'm kinda a klutz..." I said as I looked down at my lap

He nodded as he came even closer and sat down next to me with a smile still on his face. He was a little too close to my for comfort.

"M'name's Harry." He held out his hand for me to shake.

I shook his hand and said "Louis."

A few minutes of silence goes by as we just sit there on the dock, looking out over the flat water. I couldn't help but look over at him every few seconds. I started to notice the features he had. He was  tall and lanky but had muscle to his arms. His face was smooth and those eyes... I could never get tired of looking at those bright green eyes. I guess he could feel me staring at him because he turned to face me and gave me a small smile. I ducked my head in embarassment feeling my face turn a shade of pink. 

"It's so nice here... What brought you down to the water this early in the morning anyhow?" He asked, inching himself that much closer to me.

I couldn't help but get nervous as he looked at me with those emerald eyes.

"I usually come down here in the morning... Clear my head, and get away I guess. What about you? I've never seen anyone down here this early before."

I was surprised at myself that I was able to make conversation with this boy. Normally I wouldn't as much as muttered a couple of words.

"I don't know really. I just woke up and had the urge to go down to the water, and here I find this weirdo with a guitar on the dock." He looked at me with a smirk on his face and tilted his head to one side as if he were trying to figure me out.

I could tell he was joking and I figured I could play along too. "I am not a weirdo!" I shoved him playfully and I saw him flash a smile and laugh. I was surprised when he laughed as it was so deep. I started laughing to myself as I watched him comb his fingers through his hair. 

"I know if anything i'm the weirdo." He chuckled. "Who comes down to the river at 5 am for no reason and then tries to flirt with the cute guy on the dock?"

I couldn't help but look down and blush. Was this guy being serious? Was he actually trying to flirt with me? When I looked back up I saw his cheeks had gotten a tint of pink to them. I flashed him a smile and rolled my eyes. I felt comfortable with this boy, and gathered up my courage as I said "It wouldn't be considered weird if you asked me on a proper date."

I couldn't believe I just said that... I ducked my head in enbarrassment and rubbed my face with my hand as I just made a complete idot of myself.

"Okay then. Care to grab some breakfast with me, and tell me about that guitar of yours?" He asked with a warm smile and pink cheeks that made him look even more cute.

As he stood he put his hand out to help me up.

"Okay" I said as I nodded and grabbed his hand and stood up with redenned cheeks.  What was I getting myself in to?

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now