Chapter 7

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I heard my phone ringing and I pulled my shirt on before reaching to grab it. I saw the screen lit up with Harry's name and I answered it.

"Hey, you here?"  I asked into the phone.

"Yeah just outside."

"Okay, I'll sneak past my dad and be out there in about five minutes."

I hung up the phone and looked in the mirror one more time before heading out.

Harry and I were going to dinner and I had to look presentable. So with a quick fix to my hair I opened my bedroom and door and made my way down stairs.

"Where are you going?"

I turned around to see my dad glaring at me.

"Out, obviously." I reached for the front door handle and I opened it slightly before he slammed his hand against the door, making it close shut.

"Don't talk to me like that." He said getting extremely close to my face, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath.

I let out a deep breath and tried to stay calm. "Fine, can you take your hand off the door so I can leave now?" 

I knew my tone was pretty annoyed and sarcastic but I didn't care. I was really over all of his shit after 7 years.

He gave me a sly smile and shook his head to me as he grabbed my shirt collar and dragged me towards the living room. I tried to get out of his grip but he only tightened it as we walked.

He shoved me against the wall and he started walking away from me. I watched his movements, worried he might try to do something. He picked up his beer bottle and started chugging it until it was finished before looking back at me.

"You know what Louis? I don't want you going out anymore. If you wanted to go to the pub and drink you could just stay here and have a drink."

I could tell he was drunk as he tried walking around the room. My back was still against the wall as I wasn't sure what he would try to do to me if I tried to run. I've dealt with him before, but never like this, he's never been drunk when he hit me.

"So you want a drink Louis?" He slurred.

"No..." I whispered.

"You sure?" He asked before bringing up his arm and chucking the beer bottle at me.

I ducked my head just before it could hit me and instead it broke against the wall.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" I yelled.

I could hear him laughing as he picked up another one of his empty bottles. "Good reflexes Lou! Can ya do it again?" He seemed amused as I tried to move away from the flying glass.

He laughed as he chucked the other bottle at me and again I ducked it, making it crash against the wall.

"Stop!" I screamed.

I wasn't scared at this point, just mad. "You're fucking drunk, just let me leave!"

"You better stop talking to me like that." He slurred as he pointed a finger at me.

"Or what? You just gonna keep throwing shit at me?"

I could see his face grow angry and he started walking towards me. I moved my feet backwards and my back hit the wall. He brought up his arm up and pushed on my chest forcefully. He moved his face extremely close to mine and I wanted to gag as he breathed on me.

"Listen here you little shit -"

"Hey! Get off him."

I tried moving my head and I saw Harry behind my dad with his fists clenched and an angry expression on his face.

My dad started laughing as he turned to see Harry. "Oh look, the boyfriend's here. Want to have a drink with us?" He asked as he chuckled to himself.

While my dad was distracted I pushed his arm off of my chest and quickly got out of his grasp. As I started walking towards Harry I felt my dad grab my arm and pull me back towards him. He turned me towards him and before I knew what was happening I saw a fist fly and connect with my dad’s cheek. He let go of me as he tumbled to the ground and I looked over to see Harry staring down at him as he shook out his hand.

My mouth fell open as I couldn't believe Harry had actually hit him. I felt Harry tug at my arm as I saw my dad stand up.

"Louis lets go." He said.

I nodded my head and glanced back at my dad one more time before following Harry out the door.

When Harry and I got to the restaurant I felt like I could actually breath again. I felt like Harry was still tense as we ate our dinner and made small conversation, but I knew something was wrong.

"You okay Haz?" I asked him as I put some pasta in my mouth.

He looked down to his plate and shook his head angrily. 

"You know what, no, I'm not okay. What the fuck was he doing throwing beer bottles at you?!"

I shifted in my seat and looked at him sternly. "Alright, keep it down..."

"Seriously Lou I'm surprised I didn't keep hitting him."

"Harry, please stop..." I said as I looked down at my food.

"I'm not trying to make you mad or upset... I just... I hate how he treats you. I want to protect you Lou." I could hear the softness in his voice as he spoke to me.

I shook my head and tried to clear my thoughts. I didn't want to talk about this anymore.

"Yeah, thank you for that but I really just want to forget about it." I looked up at him and he looked back at me for a second before nodding his head slightly.

"Okay..." He said.

I looked up at him and offered him and soft smile and he grinned kindly back at me.

"So, favorite color." He said as he looked at me.

"What?" I asked him confused.

"What's your favorite color? C'mon play along I'm trying to take your mind off things." He said chuckling to himself, trying to ease the tension.

"Dark red." I said with a grin.

"Good! You're turn."

"Hm, most embarrassing moment."

"One time when I was about fifteen I was just in my room laying on my bed watching TV and someone knocked on my door. So I said come in and so my sister had opened my door, her and couple of her friends came in to say hello and a second later they all screamed like they had just seen a dead body. So I sat up and realized that I was lying naked on top of my covers." 

I tried to muffle my laughter by putting a hand over my mouth but it wasn't working. I could hardly breath I was laughing so hard.

"Why were you just laying naked?!"

He smiled and shrugged "I don't know! It's comfortable..." He said chuckling to himself. "Alright, you're most embarrassing moment."

"Oh God I've had so many I don't even know..." I had to think about and once it hit me I started laughing to myself. "So this one time Zayn and I were in maths and I heard my phone go off. You know I started blushing and my teacher turned to me and said that if I wanted to use my phone in class I could at least share my very important text message with the everyone. He had me stand up in front of everyone and as I looked around the room I saw Zayn and he was like violently shaking his head for me not to read it. I hadn't even looked at the message yet so I didn't know what it was and when I opened it and read it I turned to my teacher begging him not to make me read it, but he insisted I did. It said 'Can we just leave and go to the bathroom or some shit? I'm feeling horny.' Now I knew he was kidding but once I read it to the class some of them were laughing and others were looking at me oddly. My teacher asked me who I got the text from and when I said Zayn he just slammed his head against his desk."

Harry burst out laughing and started clapping his hands as he threw his head back. "I cannot wait to bring that up to Zayn! Man that's rough!"

Harry and I sat there swapping stories and laughing at each others embarrassing moments, forgetting everything that had happened earlier.

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