Chapter 36

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"Louis I'm home! I got you something!"

I walked into the living room and saw Harry carrying a box with holes in it.

"I have some great news, but I want to see what you got first." I said to him.

He placed the box on the ground and opened it. I heard a little whimpered noise and I moved towards the box and looked inside.

"...You got a puppy?" I asked him.

"I got us a puppy! I was walking home and they were being sold on the street and this one just looked so cute I had to get it. I mean look at it's little face!"

He picked up the puppy and held it out to me. I grabbed it and cradled it in my arms. Its fur was a black, brown, white and grey color and it was so soft. His face was cute with a pointed noise and clear blue eyes.

"What kind of dog is it?" I asked Harry while smiling down at the dog.

"It's and Australian Shepard. Super cute right?"

"Yeah, he's super cute. Did you buy anything for him. Like food or a bed?"

"Uhm not yet, but I can go do that right now."

"I'll go with you. We can just bring the dog to the store. I want to get a collar and tag too. Also thanks for calling and asking if we could have a dog."

Harry came towards me and started petting the dog in my arms. "Sorry... I thought you wouldn't mind! And you seem to like him. What should we name him?" He asked.

I looked at the little puppy in my arms and thought about what he looked like.

"What about Mason?"

Harry smiled down at me and pecked my lips. "Sounds perfect." He said. "Oh! What's your news?" He asked me.

"Oh my God I almost forgot! We got the house!!! The Realtor called this morning while you were out, we can move in later this week!"

Harry looked at me with a wide smile and came towards me, wrapping his strong arms around me for a hug. The puppy let out a weak bark and Harry let go smiling at both the dog and I.

"Lou... I can't believe this is actually happening."

"I know, it’s a lot... Are you happy?" I was nervous Harry didn't really want all of this...

"Happy? I've never been so happy in my entire life!"

He brought his hand to the back of my neck and pulled me in for a hard kiss. He didn't come to close to not disturb the dog that was in my arms and when he broke off the kiss he looked at me softly.

"Alright, let's go get Mason some supplies." He said as he started walking towards the door.

I followed him with the puppy in my arms as we walked out of the flat and down to the car.


Harry and I set up a bed for the puppy in the corner of our room. We bought all of the necessary supplies for him and he has yet to have an accident in the flat, which I greatly appreciated.

I was sitting on the couch watching TV and Harry was in the kitchen making dinner when we heard the dog bark. Because he was a young puppy it sounded weak but it was enough to get our attention.

"Think he has to go out Lou?" Harry yelled from the kitchen.

"When was the last time he went outside?" I yelled back.

"Uh maybe 45 minutes ago."

"Yeah I'll take him out." I got off the couch and looked for the puppy.

I found him in our room rolling on the floor. I looked down at him and a smile came across my face as I watched him. I knelt down and got on the floor with him and pushed him lightly to start playing. As he tried to nibble my hand with his baby teeth I laughed and laid on the floor. He took this as an opportunity and jumped on my chest. He barely made it up because he was so small but when he got on top of me he came towards my face and started licking me.

"Agh Mason no, that's gross."

He kept trying to lick me as a pushed his head from side to side gently.

"Alright c'mere bud." I scooped him and walked out of the bedroom and to the living room.

I walked into the kitchen with the dog and saw Harry standing over the stove stirring some type of sauce.

"I think he just wanted attention." I nuzzled my face into Mason's neck and kissed his head gently.

Harry turned to look at us and a smile came across his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. It's just cute. Like this is the beginning of a family." He pecked my lips before looking at  Mason who was still cradled in my arms.

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