Chapter 63

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"Da da da da da da."

I heard one of babies over the baby monitor at 3am talking and the other was crying. Soon enough going to make the other babies cry. I rolled over and swung my legs over the edge of the bed as I combed my fingers through my hair. I picked at my boxers and cracked my back as I was about to get up. I felt Harry's cool hand on my bare back as I was about to get up.

"Want me to get up with you?" He asked tiredly.

"I'll get you if I need you." I said as I smiled at him and leaned down to kiss him quickly.

I sleepily walked out of our bedroom and to Hayden and Sophia's nursery to see Soph standing up and bouncing as she clung to the bars of her crib. Hayden was sitting up and crying so I went to pick him up before walking back to Soph and kissing her head quickly.

"Da da da da." Soph said again.

I smiled at her before I placing a crying Hayden on the changing table.

"Shh, bud don't wake your brother and sister." I whispered to him.

As I changed him his cries died down and once I was done I picked him back up and bounced him gently to calm him down. Once he calmed down I put him back in his crib and his cries started again. A moment later I heard two more cries coming from Nate and Rosie's room. I huffed out a puff of air as Hayden began crying again, wanting me to pick him, and then Soph started crying because I guess she thought 'hey, everyone else is crying, I'll join in.'

I heard Harry come into the nursery as I was picking Hayden back up and he smiled at me before kissing my cheek.

"You tried babe." He said to me as he chuckled to himself.

He picked Soph up and her cries died down as she was being held. I tried to calm Hayden down but it was hard with Nate and Rosie in the other room wailing. I started walking out of Hayden and Soph's nursery to go into Nate and Rosie's nursery. 

I looked into their cribs and they were both crying their heads off. Harry followed me in with Soph in his arms.

I placed Hayden on the floor so he could crawl around and I picked up Nate to try and calm him down. Harry did the same thing with Soph as he picked up Rosie.

I walked over to the bottle warmer and put two bottles in. 

Nate and Rosie were still crying as Harry and I sat in the rocking chairs, swaying in them to try and calm them down.

Once the bottles were done Harry got up and got the bottles, handing one to me. Once I put the bottle in Nate's mouth his cries immediately stopped as he started eating. Rosie did the same and I was grateful all of the crying had stopped.

I laid my head back against the rocking chair as I fed Nate and I felt a small hand on my bare knee. I looked down and saw Soph trying to pull herself up and I smiled down at her as I balanced Nate in one arm and steady the bottle with my hand so I could pick Soph up and place her in my lap against my chest. She snuggled into my side and as I put my arm around her I put Nate's bottle back in my other hand and as I did so Soph brought up her hand and placed it over mine to help feed Nate.

I smiled down at her before kissing her head. She smiled back at me, as she helped me feed Nate.

Once both Rosie and Nate were done eating Harry and I burped them and put them back to bed.

I picked up Hayden and Harry had Soph as we walked back to their nursery.

We placed them back into their cribs and both of them broke out into cries again. So I quickly picked up Hayden because I didn't want him to wake up Rosie and Nate again. Harry picked up Soph and we looked to each other with exhausted faces.

"We can just let them sleep with us." Harry said.

I nodded and pulled Hayden into my chest as I walked out of the nursery and to our room. Harry was right behind me with Soph and as we walked into our room I immediately headed for the bed, feeling exhaustion take me over.

I pulled the sheets back and climbed into bed with Hayden clinging to my chest. 

As I lied down Hayden rested against my chest his skin feeling hot against my bare chest. I looked over to Harry who was doing the same thing with Soph. He smiled over at me before climbing into the bed and coming towards me. He leaned over and kissed me gently before laying down with Soph on his chest.

I looked down at Hayden, his feathery hair tickling my chin as I looked at him and I smiled to myself as I saw him sleeping. I kissed his head gently before wrapping my hand on his lower back to keep him steady. I laid my head down and was grateful I could actually get some sleep.

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