Chapter 54

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"Zayn, Liam I am so proud of you guys!!" I said as I hugged two of my best mates.

"Thanks Lou." Zayn said as he hugged me back.

Harry and I were at Zayn and Liam's wedding reception. We had just come from the church and Harry and I were Zayn's grooms men. As they said their vows to each other a tear came to my eye as I remembered the day Harry and I were married. 

It was coming to the middle of the reception and speeches were coming up. Harry and I were sitting at a table with Niall and both of our parents, and Gemma and I was up next to give my speech. I felt Harry squeeze my thigh as I nervously bounced my leg up and down, waiting for my name to be called.

"You'll do great love." Harry smiled at me and pecked my lips quickly.

I smiled at him as I heard my name called to go up and he winked at me before I got up from the table and to the middle of the room to give my speech.

I could feel my heart pounding as I got up there and grabbed the microphone, but when I looked at my two best mates a smile came across my face.

"Liam and Zayn I cannot tell you how proud I am of you guys... I remember the day Zayn told me he wanted to ask you to marry him and I couldn't contain my excitement. Zayn was so scared and nervous it was almost cute. You know, I've been friends with you guys for years, and I've known Zayn since high school... Zayn, you are the best mate anyone could ever ask for. You were there for me in high school when I was having a hard time... It was you that got me through it. You were there for me when Harry got into his accident. I remember just crying on your shoulder for hours after I found out and you just sat there with your arm around me and told me everything was going to be okay. Even if I didn't believe you, you were there for me. And when our kids were born you and Liam sacrificed your time to watch them so Harry and I could go out or just have time to ourselves. As I watch you two hold our kids in your arms a wide smile comes across my face because I can picture you with your own future family. I'm so happy for you two and I can't wait for you guys to start your lives together. Congrats guys."

I smiled at my best mates and I could see Zayn getting up to hug me. I handed the microphone back to the DJ before turning back to Zayn and wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug.

"I'll always be there for you Lou... No matter what." He said to me.

I tucked my head into his neck and smiled as we hugged. "I know you will mate."

He let me go and pat my back before turning to go back to Liam. I walked back to my seat next to Harry and as I sat down I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"You were crying?" Harry whispered to me.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "When you got in your accident, yes I was crying! I've never cried so much in my life, I thought you died..."

He placed a hand on my thigh as I looked over at him. "Well I'm right here." He said as he leaned down to kiss me gently.

"Any word from the babysitter on how the babies are doing?" I asked.

"No, so I assume they're fine."

"Alright..." I said unsure. This was the first time Harry and I left the babies with a babysitter we weren't friends with or family.

"Don't worry about it love." Harry said as he leaned down to kiss me one more time. "C'mon, dance with me. One of my favorites just came on." 

Harry got up from his chair and placed his hand out for me to take. I smiled up at him and took his hand as he led us to the dance floor.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now