Chapter 40

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Three weeks later Harry and I sat in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. Today was the day that the doctor would look at Gemma and do the quick procedure that could possibly make her pregnant.

As Harry and I sat in the waiting room Harry held my hand in his lap and he was squeezing it hard. I knew he was nervous and anxious for this to work but it was starting to hurt.

"Babe... You're um hurting my hand."

He looked at me with big eyes and the down to our hands.


He lightened the grip and started bouncing his knee as he looked around the room.

"Harry, it's going to be okay. Alright? Everything's going to fine."

I detached our hands and moved it to his thigh and rubbed it gently, trying to calm him down. He looked to me and combed his fingers through his hair as he nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I know... I'm just nervous and excited."

"Really? I couldn’t tell."

I flashed him a smile and he looked over at me and rolled his eyes.

"Look at where we are Lou... We're married and we're trying to have kids... Just think about it, in a couple of days it would've been two years ago since we first met. It's just a lot..."

I shook my head and smiled at the thought.

"I know..." I smiled over at him.

I brought my hand to his back and started rubbing it gently as we sat there thinking about what the last two years has brought us.

"Mr. Tomlinson?" The doctor came in and asked.

"Yes?" Harry and I said in unison. We looked at each other and smiled as we got up to meet the doctor.

"Everything went very well. Now we won't know if she is actually pregnant for about another week or so. We will make an appointment for next week and check to see if the procedure actually worked. Now I explained this to Gemma but I wanted to tell you this as well, if she has any pain she needs to come in immediately to get looked at. Other than that I will see you in a week with hopefully some good news."

He smiled at us and we nodded our heads in understatement. Gemma walked into the waiting room and Harry went to meet her. The doctor left us to talk and I walked over to meet Harry and Gemma.

"Gemma you have no clue how much this really means to us, we could never thank you enough." Harry said as he hugged her.

She smiled as he hugged her tight. When he let go I moved to hug her.

"Thank you... So much." I said to her.

I let her go and she smiled at the pair of us.

"I would do anything for you guys... Plus this means I could be an aunt!"

We walked out of the doctor’s office together and we walked Gemma to her car. 

"Alright Gem I'll call you later tonight. If you have any pain go to the hospital alright?" Harry said as he hugged her goodbye.

"Don't worry little bro, I'll be fine. Bye Lou."

I hugged her goodbye and told her we'll talk to her later tonight.

Harry and I rode the motorcycle to the doctors and we walked to the bike hand in hand. It was early October but the weather was still pretty good out, only going down to the low 60's for temperature so Harry kept the bike out, trying to take it out as much as possible.

We both grabbed the helmets off of the bike and I started strapping mine on. I could tell Harry was still anxious and probably would be until we find out if Gemma is actually pregnant next week.

"Babe really you need to relax. It'll all be okay."

He looked to me and nodded. "I know... I just need to take my mind off of it."

"Well let's get home and I'll help you take your mind off of it." I winked at him as I moved towards the bike.

He gave me a wide smile and pulled his helmet over his head before climbing onto the motorcycle. I followed his movements onto the bike and we made our way home in record time.

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