Chapter 24

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It was coming to the end of summer and the boys and I decided to take advantage of one of the last nice days we were going to have before the cool fall came.

"Harry pass it here!" 

I screamed as I ran down the field and towards the goal. Harry kicked it and missed the ball completely but managed to fall on his back. I rolled my eyes and started running back towards him as Niall stole the ball from him. When I got to him I put my hand out to help him up. He took my hand and as he stood he apologized to me.

"You are some shit at this." I said as I chuckled.


Niall was dancing in the goal with Liam and Zayn looking over at us. We jogged over towards them and Zayn looked quite mad.

"What the hell you two?! Why didn't you help me?!"

"Sorry Zayn.. I kinda fell."

"C'mon Harry! We have Louis on our team, we shouldn't be losing!"

"Well you are now, so suck on that Zayn!!"

"Shut it, Niall!!"

"Okay, okay, babe calm down. Let's finish out the game." Liam said, always being the voice of reason.

Everyone nodded and we got back into starting positions. 

I looked to my right and eyed Harry seriously. He looked back at me and nodded. I then turned to my left and looked to Zayn who did the same. In a moments notice I kicked the ball to Zayn and he shuffled it down the field, Liam coming close on him. He shot the ball to me as Niall was covering Harry and I sprinted down the field. I looked over my shoulder to see both Liam and Niall coming after me and I picked up my pace and ran even faster. I was 30 feet from the goal as I swung my leg back and with a strong kick the ball went flying into the goal.

"Yeah Lou!!!" I heard Zayn scream.

"Nice shot Lou!"

"Thanks Li." I said panting. I couldn't believe how out of shape I was.

"Hey boys might want to call it a day, looks like it's about to rain."

"No, Liam!! We're tied! Next shot wins!"

"Fine Niall... Alright Zayn, Harry, Lou set it up. Next shot wins."

As we set up in our starting positions it started to drizzle, only to turn into a full down pour. I looked at the four lads and they all had smiles on their faces.

"This should be interesting..." Harry said to me.

Niall kicked the ball to Liam and he started jogging down the field. The grass was getting muddy and it was already getting extremely slippery. Zayn stole the ball from Liam and turned around heading towards the other goal. Harry and I followed, Niall coming up on me so Zayn wouldn't be able to pass me the ball. Liam was coming up on Zayn and he had to pass it quick so Liam couldn't take it. His only option was to pass it to Harry and so he did.

Harry seemed confused for a second, not knowing what to do. He started kicking the ball lightly down the field and transitioned into a full run. He only had about 50 feet until he reached the goal but him being him he would probably slip and fall. The rain was coming down hard and it was almost hard to see. Liam was covering Zayn and as they ran Liam slipped and Zayn fell on top of him. They were laughing in the mud and Niall was almost on the ground crying from the sight of them. While Niall was distracted I ran up to flank Harry as he made his way to the goal and he was finally close enough to score.

"Kick it Harry!!" I yelled.

Harry swung his leg back and this time he kicked the ball, sending it flying into the goal. He had put all of his weight on the other leg as he stood and he slipped, falling onto his back in the mud.

I ran over to him and threw my body on top of his as I cheered. Making both of us covered in mud.

"Nice shot babe."

I leaned down and kissed his wet and muddy face. A second later I felt three more bodies on top of us.

"Boys! Boys c'mon get off!!" I yelled

We were all soaking wet and covered in mud at this point. Zayn had shoved me off Harry and started wrestling me in the mud. Niall and Liam were trying to pin Harry down as well but he was able to get Niall under him and pinned but Liam was far too strong to let Harry get him down. Zayn had turned me so my face was almost buried in mud and my arms were folded across my back and he was sitting on me.


Harry got out of Liam's grip and lunged for Zayn tackling him off of me.  Liam, Niall and I just laughed as Harry pinned down Zayn into the mud. I was surprised Harry was actually able to get him down. Zayn was trying so hard to not get his hair messy and Harry knew that. He was sitting on Zayn's back and he brought his hand to Zayn's head and shoved his face into the mud.

"Harry!!! Stop!" Zayn tried to say as his face was planted in mud.

"Don't hurt my boyfriend then you twat!"

"Fine, just get off me!"

Harry picked up Zayn's head and then dropped it into the mud one more time before getting off of him.

Liam, Niall and I were rolling in the mud with laughter. Zayn is always trying to pick fights with me and every time he does Harry will tackle him and try to beat the shit out of him, usually he loses though. I was surprised Harry was able to get him down this time.

After we had all gotten out of the mud we all said our goodbyes and headed our separate ways for the night.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu