Chapter 55

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"Harry!" I yelled as I walked into the house.

I tossed my workbag down and kicked off my shoes, walking past Mason as he came up to me.

"Harry!!" I screamed again.

"What Lou?" He asked as he was holding Hayden in his arms.

"Put Hayden down and then come back." I said angrily.

He looked at me oddly before walking into the living room to put Hayden in his rocker.

"What?" He asked as he came back to the foyer.

"Who's fucking motorcycle is in the garage?!" I yelled.

"Mine... Louis can you not scream the babies are sleeping."

"Not scream?! You bring the machine that almost killed you back into the house and you're asking me not to scream?!"

"Louis, It's fine I'll be more careful when I ride it. Stop overreacting." 

I could see him getting annoyed with me but I didn't care, I was too pissed off at this point.

"Harry, you almost died!"

"But I didn't!" He yelled back.

"Clearly you don't understand what I was put through when you got into your accident! I thought you were going to die, Harry! I don't want you riding that thing anymore!"

"Louis I get that but who are you to dictate what I do and don't do?! Get over yourself, I can do what I want."

"You really don't get this... What if on my way home today I got into a car accident?! You don't hear from me for hours and you pace the house wondering where I am, only to get a call from the hospital telling you that I've been in an accident!!" I could see tears forming in his eyes as I yelled at him, but I wanted him to get the point. "Then you rush to the hospital to see me all wrapped up in casts and bandages with tubes attached to me and machines that were going to determine if I lived or not!! I'm in a coma and the doctor tells you I have a 20 percent chance of living! You're never going to hear my voice again! You're going to be a single father to twins! How would you feel Harry?! You're husband is going to die and there's nothing you can do about it!! Harry, you have a family! You can't put your life on the line like this! I mean I don't even understand why you would want the bike!! What if you got in another accident?! How am I supposed to explain to the kids when they're older that their father died getting into another accident! Once before they were born and he just barely survived, but wait he got into another one because he was too stupid to think it would be okay to ride the bike again!!"

My breath was coming out ragged and I could feel my own tears come to my eyes as Harry wiped his now wet cheeks.

"Lou..." Harry said looking to the ground. "Louis I'm sorry." It almost came out as a whisper.

"I can't loose you again Harry... It hurt too god damn much the first time."

He nodded at me and moved towards to hug me. He wrapped his arms around me as I tucked my head into his neck.

"You never lost me Lou..." He said rubbing my back. "I'll sell the bike, I'm sorry."

"You can't do that to me again." I said against his neck.

He nodded at me as he hugged me there in our foyer.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now