Chapter 23

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7 Months Later

"Lou... Louis wake up."

I opened my eyes and looked to the clock that laid on my bedside table. It read 5 am.

"No Harry." I mumbled into the pillow.

"C'mon Lou! I have a surprise for you."

I turned over so I was laying on my back and saw Harry hovering over me with a smile on his face. He was already dressed and he had even gotten clothes out for me. I slowly sat up and looked out the window to see the sun just barely coming up.

"What is it Harry?"

"Did you forget it's our one year anniversary?" He said to me while tossing me blue shorts, and a grey graphic tee.

"Of course I didn't forget. I just don't understand why we have to get up before the sun to celebrate it."

He chuckled and I slowly got out of bed, putting my clothes on and going into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I came out Harry already had his shoes on and was waiting for me by the door. I grabbed my keys and put on my shoes before following Harry out of the flat.


"The river?" I asked as I looked around.

The dock in the same place we left it a year ago. The water flat and the soft pink and yellow color that lit up the sky was still in place.

Harry smiled and nodded at me, grabbing my hand as he led me to the dock.

When we reached our usual spot I noticed a picnic had been set up and I looked to Harry who just shrugged and smiled.

"I came down here a little early to set it up."

I couldn't say anything. Even after all this time Harry never seizes to amaze me. Everything he does and everything he is will forever make me love him more and more.

We were sitting at the picnic Harry had made just chatting after we just finished the breakfast he prepared when he stopped talking for a second and just stared out onto the water.

"I can't believe it's been a year..." I heard him whisper.

"Is that hard to believe?"

He turned to me and looked puzzled for a moment.

"It just went by so fast. I wish I could go back and live in it again."

"I wouldn't..." I turned to him and smiled. "For once I'm excited for what the future has to bring. I'm curious as to what our lives will look like. We'll have new adventures, new moments, new... Everything."

Harry just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Did I just hear that Louis, Louis Tomlinson is excited for the unknown?" He smirked at me as he spoke.

"Yes, Harold you did." I smiled back at him and sent him a wink knowing he hated being called that.

"I have to go to work in about three hours. You have the day off, right?"

"Yeah, I'll just hang at home till you get back then."

"Okay, I'm sorry we can't spend the day together." He looked over at me and I knew he was actually annoyed.

"It's fine. We have all night." I said with a smirk on my face.

He just shook his head and smiled as he looked back to the calm water.


"Hey Lou I'm home! They want you to come up for a new song for whatever movie you're working-"

"Happy one year anniversary!!"

Harry looked around and couldn't believe his eyes. Food. Actual food.

"Is it burnt? Did you poison it on accident?"

"No I did not poison it!"

I had set our table with nice dishes and lit candles. I made us chicken wrapped in Parma ham with homemade mashed potatoes and gravy. 

Harry looked at it, and then back at me. I could tell he was confused that nothing was on fire or smelt like it was burnt but he sat down anyway.

I poured us both glasses of wine and we sat down and chatted as we ate the meal I had made.

It wasn't too bad according to Harry, but I couldn't tell if he was serious because he said it as he winked. At least I didn't think it was bad.

We spent the rest of the night on the couch watching movies, and when we finished our last movie at 2 am neither of us were very tired.

We made our way to the bedroom and when we woke up in the morning both of us had very sore bums.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now