Chapter 13

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I woke up to feeling of soft lips brushing across my face. Moving from my cheek to my forehead, to my other cheek, down my jaw and on my neck.

My eyes slowly opened to find green orbs staring down at me.  As I opened my eyes fully a sweet smiles spread across Harry's face.

"Good morning love."

I brought my arms up to Harry's neck and wrapped them around bringing him down closer to me.

"Good morning to you too."

I brought him down so our lips could meet in a sweet kiss. Harry relaxed his body on top of mine and pushed harder on me, deepening the kiss. He nibbled at the bottom of my lip and I opened my mouth only for our tongues to collide in a fiery kiss. Harry started pulling on the hem of my shirt easing it up my torso. Disconnecting our lips briefly he pulled off my shirt only to reconnected our lips fiercely after. Before anything could get to heated I pushed on his chest with my palm to make him stop. He disconnected our lips and sat up while still straddling me. I sat up too and put my hands on his waist squeezing gently.

"What's up Haz? You usually aren't this fired up in the morning."

He put a hand behind my head and drew me in for a kiss. As he pulled away he smiled at me and rested his head against my bare chest.

"Is it so wrong for me to just love you Lou?"

He picked his head back up and started chuckling to himself.

"Alright you have to tell me something, now what is it?"

"Well... My mum called this morning and she wanted to know what we were doing for the holidays. She asked if we wanted to spend Christmas day with them in Cheshire. I wanted to know if you would like to go up there with me."

I looked at him not knowing what to say. I hadn't met anyone in Harry's family and suddenly I felt this weight drop on my shoulders. Of course I wanted to meet his family. We've been dating for five months and I've only heard great things about them. But I never imagined the opportunity would come where I would actually be able to meet them. Harry must have noticed my hesitance as he spoke up.

"You don't have to meet them Lou, I would just really liked if you did. It would mean a lot to me, but if you're uncomfortable-"

"No, Harry it's not that I would love to meet them! I'm just nervous I guess... What about my family? Would we be able to see them for the holidays and my birthday?"

"Yeah of course! Why don't we spend Christmas Eve with your family, that way we're there for your birthday and then drive up to Cheshire in the morning or afternoon. It's only a 30 minute drive so it shouldn't take long at all."

"Sounds like a plan love" I pulled him down and smiled against his lips feeling as though everything was falling into place.

"I'll have to call my mum later and tell her."

Harry said to me as he crawled off the bed and started to get his clothes to change into.

"Yeah, I'll call my mum later and ask her if it's okay that we come. Do you have work today? I thought you had the day off..."

Harry was putting on a plaid button down and he only wore button downs to work or school.

"Yeah, sorry I thought I told you. We're working on a new animated movie and they need me in the studio. You don't mind do you?"

He was pulling on a black beanie and grabbing his thick winter jacket from the closet.

"No, I don't mind at all. I actually have some paperwork to fill out for work anyway and with you gone I know I'll actually get it done."

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