Chapter 56

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"Alright Idina that sounds really good. Now when you sing 'let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door' don't forget to drop the note in do-or." I said to her. 

She nodded at me and put her headphones back on. I was in front of the orchestra and band as we were rehearsing for one of the songs I wrote for Frozen. We all had headphones and microphones in front of us for Harry to record and I flipped the page of my composition to the beginning and looked back to the orchestra and band.

"Alright guys turn back to the beginning I think we're ready to record. Harry, you ready?" I asked into my microphone.

I turned back to look at Harry who was behind the glass of the studio and he nodded at me.

"Yeah, babe start them with a 4/4 intro and then we're in okay?" He said into his own microphone.

"Sounds good." I said into the microphone.

I picked up my baton and looked around the room to see everyone's instruments up.

"Alright. 1,2,3,4." I whispered as I moved my baton and after beat 4 of the my intro the soft piano started playing on the song. followed by the chimes. The orchestra came in and Idina started singing, the smooth notes coming out of her mouth. As I conducted my baton keeping time as my arm movements gave the orchestra what volume and dynamics I wanted.

I started motioning my free hand for the orchestra to get louder as Idina started singing 'Don't let them in, don't let them see' and on from there. I moved my arms wider 'Well now they no... Let it go, let it go' the orchestra grew louder as I my movements became larger but then back down to create the dramatic effect.

I changed the tempo of the song as we went into 'It's funny how to some distance makes everything seem small' the orchestra following beautifully and Idina singing it perfectly in time. I began speeding them up as we got into the second chorus. The energy in the room was amazing as we got louder and bigger as a group. 'Let it go, let it go. Can't hold it back anymore.' I was getting more and more into the song as I conducted, my movements following the tempo and volume of the song in an enthused motion. 

Idina's voice coming out strong as the band and orchestra grew louder. It was the instrumental solo and my hand that held the baton moving furiously to keep time as all the separate sections in the orchestra and band had different parts. I had them quite down as Idina came back in so her voice really stood out at this part. 'My power flurries through the air into the ground.' Idina had her eyes closed as she sung the song and a hand pressed to her headphones as she swayed with the music.

'I'm never going back, the past is in the past!' The orchestra went extremely quiet at that line before I moved my arms in huge motions to have them grow loud as the biggest part of the song was coming up. The energy in the room contagious as we grew louder and louder. 'Let it go, let it go. And I'll rise like the break of dawn!' Idina sang with her powerful voice as the orchestra and band were completely focused on their music.

The end of the song coming up 'Let the storm rage on.' Idina holding out the note beautifully. The orchestra and band went quiet as she sang the last line. 'The cold never bothered me anyway.' I cut off everyone with a tight motion of my fist and everyone sat there still, and quiet.

"That was perfect everyone!" Harry said into his microphone.

I turned to look at him and he had a wide smile as he looked at me from the other side off the glass. I smiled back at him and looked to the orchestra and band.

"Great job everyone, really that was amazing." I said smiling at everyone.

They all looked back to me and smiled before they started clapping. My smile grew as I bowed in front of them only making their clapping louder.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around to see Idina smiling at me.

"Louis that song is amazing. Thank you so much for writing it." She said as she moved to hug me.

"Of course, it was my pleasure." I said, smiling as I hugged her back.

"And all of the other songs for the movie are so great too. I can't wait to hear them all finished." She said.

"Alright, off my man, it's my turn." I heard Harry say.

I felt Idina laugh as she released me from the hug and I turned to see Harry and his dimpled grin. I smiled back at him before going into his arms for a hug. He hugged me tightly and kissed my neck as I smiled at him.

"Good job Lou." He said against my neck.

"Thanks babe." I said as he pulled away.

Harry leaned down and kissed me gently and another round of applause erupted from the room and Harry and I smiled against each other. When he released the kiss I couldn't hold back a chuckle as everyone was smiling at the pair of us. Harry smiled down at me before dipping me and kissing me roughly in front of everyone. Everyone was laughing and clapping, someone was even whistling at us and I couldn't hold back a laugh as Harry brought me back to my feet.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now