Chapter 39

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"Lou! You ready to go?" Harry yelled from the foyer.

"Yeah, give me one second!" I was trying to fix my hair quickly.

"Your hair is fine, let's go!"

"How did you know I was doing my hair?!" I yelled back.

"Because I know you! Now c'mon!"

I left the mirror and walked out of the bedroom and jogged down the stairs.

"Ready?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, let me grab the car keys."

"Nope." Harry said.

I looked at him questioningly before he held out a helmet for me to take. I looked at the helmet and then back at him.

"Do I have to?"

"Yes! Now c'mon your mum will be wondering where we are."

I grabbed the helmet from him and we walked out of the house and to Harry's new black Harley motorcycle.

Harry swung his leg over the bike and placed the helmet on his head. His was a full black helmet that covered his mouth and it had a Plexiglas covering over his eyes. I watched as he placed the helmet on his head and when it was strapped on he looked at me and motioned for me to get on the bike.

I followed his previous movement and swung my leg over the bike and placed the helmet on and strapped it. The helmet I had only covered the top of my head and when I finished strapping it Harry turned on the bike and it roared to life. He kicked up the kickstand and started backing out of the driveway. When we got onto the road Harry turned his head to me.

"Ready?" He asked. I could tell he was smiling under his helmet.

"I guess..."

Harry looked back to the road and a second later we were flying down the street. I gripped Harry's waist as tightly as I could as the motorcycle hummed beneath us. My heart was pounding in my chest as we sped down the road and I just gripped Harry tighter.

"You okay?" Harry screamed over the engine.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good."

I was actually okay, just a bit nervous because I had never been on  a motorcycle before. After a couple of minutes on it I actually began enjoying it.

We got to my parents house in about five minutes since we lived so close to them now. We pulled into the driveway and Harry placed his feet on the ground and moved the kickstand back to hold the bike up. He waited for me to get off the bike first and I swung my leg back over and planted my feet on the ground. Harry turned off the engine and got off the bike, taking his helmet off with a quick swoop. He looked at me and smiled as I de-strapped my helmet and handed it to him. He placed both of the helmets on the bike and looked back to me.

"What'd you think?" He asked me with a wide smile.

"It was... It was good. I was a bit nervous at first but then I actually started liking it."

He pecked my lips quickly before reaching for my hand and leading me into my parent’s house.

We walked through the house and my mum was the first one to greet us.

"Hello boys." She kissed us both on the cheek and we followed her into the kitchen.

"Louis!" I heard my dad yell.

My heart stopped when I heard him come down the stairs. Things may have been better between us but that didn't stop the fact that I was still a bit scared of him.  He walked into the kitchen and I felt Harry's grip tighten on my waist.

"When did you get a motorcycle?" He asked looking between the two of us.

"Today." I said.

"That thing is sweet! Mind if I check it out?"

He looked genuinely excited and Harry released his grip on me and motioned for my dad to follow him outside to show him the bike. I could see both of them smiling as they left the kitchen talking about the bike and I was happy that there was something they could finally talk about.

I felt my mum grab my arm and I turned to look at her.

"You got a motorcycle?" She looked at me worriedly.

"Well it's really Harry's...."

She looked at me sternly for a second. "Lou... Just be careful, okay?"

"Of course mum."

I kissed her cheek before walking into the living room to say hi to my siblings.


All of the kids were in bed and Harry and I were in the living room with my parents chatting.

"So Harry, Louis, I know you boys have the puppy, but when am I going to start seeing actual babies?" My mum asked with a smile on her face.

I almost spit out my wine when she asked that and I could hear Harry laughing beside me.

"That's actually a very good question Jay. I was going to talk to Louis about that.. I actually have some news for him." Harry said while looking at me.

"...And what news would that be?" I asked him as I raised my eyebrows.

Harry looked between my parents and I before speaking. "My sister, Gemma offered to be a surrogate for us... So, when you're ready, she's ready."

I could see Harry's cheeks getting pink and the wind was almost knocked out of my chest. I felt as though my heart had stopped beating just thinking about having kids. It wasn't a heart stopping bad moment though. It was heart stopping because just thinking about it made me feel so happy. The thought came to me that I could actually be a dad...

"Are you ready?" It barely came out as a whisper when I asked Harry.

He smiled at me. "I've been ready."

I thought about it for a second. I knew I wanted a family with Harry but was it too soon? I knew he would be a great dad and I hoped I would be a good dad. We both also have steady, well paying jobs with flexible hours, and a house and car. The more I thought about it the more I loved the idea of starting a family. What was the point in waiting?

"Okay." I said with a smile on my face.

"Okay? Like is that a yes?" Harry asked.

I nodded my head. "Yeah... We're gonna be dads Harry."

A wide smile came across my face and Harry returned it, pulling me into his arms as he gave me a strong hug.

When he released me we both turned to my parents. My mum was holding my dads hand tightly and on the verge of crying. My dad looked over at me and gave me a shy smile.

Harry turned back to me, placing a hand on my thigh. "You're sure about this Lou?"

I leaned in and kissed him sweetly on the lips.

"100% love." I said with a smile on my face.

"I'll call Gem tomorrow then and we can start working everything out then." He offered me a dimpled smile and I returned it.

Harry and I were going to be dads. This was it... We were starting a family. When I looked back on it none of this would've happened if Harry hadn't spontaneously come down to the dock at 5am one August morning.

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