Chapter 16

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Harry and I woke up to the twins running into my bedroom and jumping on the bed.

"C'mon Louis it's Christmas! Harry get up!!"

I groaned and rolled over to look at the clock. It was 7 am and way too early to be awake right now. I felt Harry get up off the bed and I decide I could sleep for a few more minutes.

"Harry wake Louis up!! We want to open presents!"

"Alright girls I'll get him up but for me to do that I need you two to go downstairs."

I heard the twins laugh and leave the room, closing the door behind them. I was half awake and I wasn't sure what Harry was going to do to me to wake me up. I felt him get closer to me and then I felt an immense amount of pressure on my back.

"Harry get off me, just let me sleep..."

I was talking into the pillow and it came out as a muffled sound. I felt Harry tighten his legs around my waist as he straddled me from behind. All of a sudden he was tickling my sides and I couldn't help but let out a shrieking laugh. I tried getting out of it but he was sitting on my back and my arms were stuck in between his legs. Choked laughter came out of me as I begged him to stop.

"Harry p-please!! Okay I'm a-awake!!! Please just Ss-stop! I'll get up!!"

Harry stopped and let me roll under him so I was now facing him as he sat on me.

"Good morning Lou! Merry Christmas!"

He leaned down and kissed me tenderly, cupping his hands around my cheeks.

"Merry Christmas to you too, you twat."

"Oh you love me."

He pecked my lips one last time and got off me, walking over to his suitcase to pick out some clothes. I sat up and combed my fingers through my hair as I watched Harry pick out his clothes.


Harry and I sat on the couch as my family gathered around our Christmas tree. The girls started opening their gifts. I had put the gifts I bought my family under the tree late last night and to my surprise Harry got them all something too.

Harry and I were quietly chatting as my siblings opened their presents when my parents handed me an envelope that had both Harry and my name on it. We both looked up at them and Harry smiled at them as I looked on with a confused face. I looked at the envelope and began to open it.

"Mum... Dad... We can't accept this."

"What is it Lou?" Harry asked, leaning towards me to look at the paper.

"They got us an all expense paid  trip to New York City and Broadway tickets to see Wicked..."

Harry looked up at my parents with the sweetest expression I had ever seen. He smiled softly at them and then turned to me with the same smile on his face.

"Mum, dad I really don't know what to say... I mean this is so amazing, thank you so much!"

I stood up and hugged my mum as tightly as I could. As she let go I turned to my dad and just looked at him for a second, not sure of what I should do. I didn't know if I even wanted to hug him but when he looked back at me nodded slightly, opening his arms just enough so I knew he was initiating a hug I walked into his arms and he is much larger than I am and engulfed me in  a strong hug. I couldn't believe it.... After years of treating me like I was nothing I felt as though my old dad was coming back to me. I had no clue what changed in him, but I didn't mind at all.

"Thank you so much, this is really such an amazing gift."

Harry had said to my parents as my dad released me from the hug. I nodded agreeing with him, and as Harry smiled at my parents my father put out his hand for Harry to shake. Harry looked to me and then back at my father. He took my fathers hand and shook it. He didn't have a smile on his face as he usually did. Instead it seemed as though he was being nice but I could tell Harry hadn't fully forgiven him.

My siblings and parents had opened the few gifts Harry and I had gotten them and thanked us, especially Harry for getting them presents.

Harry and I stayed until 11, just before lunchtime and then we said our goodbyes to my family.

"Bye Lott and Fiz, I'll see you guys next weekend, yeah?"

"Yeah of course Lou."

Lottie and Fizzy hugged me and then I said my goodbyes to the twins and then my parents giving my mum a hug. The babies were sleeping so I decided I best not wake them. Harry hugged my mum, Lottie and Fizzy, saying goodbye and nodded to my dad as he opened the door and cool air filled the hallway. I gave one last wave goodbye and a final 'Merry Christmas' as Harry and I walked outside into the white world and walked to his car as we started our 30-minute car ride to Harry's house.

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