Chapter 14

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Harry and I were sitting in a dim lit Italian restaurant with a nice bottle wine. Our food had arrived only after 20 minutes of waiting and it was the most delicious thing I had ever eaten.

"So would you be doing anything different in your new job that you didn't do at your internship?

I spooned some pasta into my mouth and took a sip of wine. It went down my throat so smoothly I couldn't believe how amazing it tasted.

"Well I get to be more independent while recording and working on the music. I work one on one with the artists too which is pretty cool... Also I get paid a lot more, so that means you're going to get even more spoiled than you already do."

He looked up from his dinner and winked at me. I dramatically brought my hand to my chest and gasped.

"I am not spoiled!"

"Sure Lou." Harry said as he rolled his eyes and took a sip of his wine.

"I don't get you Haz... You're still in college and-"

"Hey, I only have a year left."

"Okay you have year left, but still... You have this amazing flat and refuse to let me help you pay rent, you have a nice car, and every time I come home and I say I saw something in a store I liked the next you day you bring it home! Also whenever we go out and do anything you pay. I mean I'm not complaining, not at all, I'm just confused I guess. I know you had the internship but that can't nearly be enough to pay for all that..."

Harry looked at me and just smiled. He shook his head as he picked his fork back up to take another bite of his dinner.

"Don't worry about it love. Just know we'll always be financially secure, okay?"

"Alright...Well on other news I talked to my mum earlier today and she said she'd love to have us on Christmas Eve. If you want we can sleep over there and then leave in the morning to head to your mum's around 11. That way we can be there around lunch time and stay there for the night."

"Sounds perfect. I'll tell my mum what time we'll be there. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to finally meet you. Everyday when she calls me she's always coming up with questions about you."

He looked down at his lap and laughed as he shook his head.

"Well I hope you tell her how great I am."

The waiter came over then asking if we wanted dessert and we ordered a chocolate mouse cake to share.

Harry averted his attention back to me as the waiter walked away.

"Actually I tell her every little embarrassing that you do." 

He smiled at me and brought his hand to mine, lacing our fingers together across the table.

"Oh shut it you twat, I know you don't do that."

"You can tell yourself that love, but just wait till she brings up an embarrassing story about you."

I knew he was joking. I hoped he was joking...

"Oh god..." I let out a small laugh. "So what do we want to do for presents for Christmas? Do you want to get each other something and spend a certain amount of money or just get anything?"

"Why don't we not spend any money?" He asked.

"Interesting... I like it. Challenge accepted!"

He gave me a shy smile and I new he was up to something. I've gotten to know his signs when he's hiding something, and he was definitely hiding something.

Our waiter brought out the dessert and if possible it was even more delicious than the dinner. We finished it quickly and the waiter brought out the check and before I could reach it Harry grabbed for it without allowing me to look at it.

"Harry I said I was treating you tonight!"

"No Lou. I'm making this clear now, anything we do and anything you want I am paying for. No use in arguing over it."

I rolled my eyes as he brought out his credit card and handed the check back to our waiter. 


When we got back to the flat I kicked off my shoes and Harry followed my action. I started walking towards our bedroom and once I got in there I took my suspenders off my shoulders and let them hang loose from my pants.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be quick. When I come out we can make some tea and watch a movie in bed if you want."

"Sounds good love."

I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and he retreated into the bathroom for his shower.

I began taking off my clothes and only left my boxers on as I crawled onto the bed, and turned on the TV as I waited for Harry to come out of the shower.

10 minutes later I heard the shower turn off and I got up and went into the kitchen to turn on the kettle to make some tea.

I timed it perfectly as I walked into the bedroom with two cups of tea Harry walked out of the bathroom wearing only his boxers and a t-shirt. I set the two mugs down on one of the bedside tables and laid down on top of the bed comforter. Harry came and lied down next to me, turning his body so his chest was against my arm.

"What movie should we watch?" Harry whispered in my ear.

"Why don't we put in New Year's Eve?"

Harry nodded and got up off the bed and put the movie into the DVD player that was connected to the flat screen hanging on the wall. He walked over to the lights, turned them off and then crawled back onto the bed with me. He was laying on his back with a pillow under his head so he could look up at the screen and he had an arm wrapped around my waist. I leaned into his touch never missing how I always feel so warm when he touches me. I turned so my head was resting on his chest and my arm was around his waist. He kissed the top of my head as he rubbed my bareback and I relaxed into him as we watched the movie.

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