Chapter 29

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"Oh my God.... Louis!!!!"

My mum attacked me in a bone-crushing hug. Harry was laughing beside me as I was searching for air through my mums grip. She let me go, and cupped my face with her hands.

"My baby boy is getting married."

I could see tears forming in her eyes and I pulled her in for a light hug.

"Mum I'm 24... Not so much a baby anymore..."

I let her go and she just looked at me with a smile.

"You'll always be my baby."

She kissed my cheek and then moved to hug Harry and congratulate him as well.

My dad was also in the room but he was hanging behind my mum. When she moved to hug Harry he walked towards me and was just looking to the ground. When he finally picked his head up I could feel my mum and Harry's eyes on us. As I looked at him I couldn't help but notice that his eyes looked a bit shiny, and then I realized he was trying not to cry. He looked at me with the softest expression before putting a hand on my shoulder and squeezing gently. Before I knew what was happening he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so proud of you Lou..."

"Thanks dad."

He let me go and pat my shoulder before moving to Harry.

"Take care of my son. He deserves nothing but the best..."

My dad smiled softly at me before holding a hand out for Harry to shake. Harry shook his hand with a smile on his face.

"Of course."

They released the handshake and my dad nodded at Harry before motioning all of us into the living room to sit with my siblings. We still had to tell them and I guess now would be a good of a moment as any.

"Hey the boys have something to tell you guys." My dad said before he took a seat on the couch next to Lottie and Fizzy.

Harry spoke up first. "Hey guys, so as you know Louis and I went to New York City for New Years and when we were there I.. I proposed to him. We're getting married!"

The girls screamed their congratulations as they ran up to hug us. 5 girls squealing in my ear as they hugged me wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be. It was nice to see how happy there for me.

As I looked around the room every single person had a smile on their face. I never would have thought that this could be my life. My family put back together, and someone who stood beside me, loving me so much that they were willing spend forever with me.


We were sitting in Harry's parent’s home, drinking wine by the fire and talking with Anne. I was leaning against Harry's chest as he had an arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me in close to him.

"So what did you boys do for the rest of your time in the city?"

"The day after New Years Eve we just stayed in bed. Louis was having some trouble walking."

I almost spit out my wine when Harry said that. I quickly looked to him and he just winked at me with a sly grin on his face.

"Oh, did something happen Louis?" Anne asked.

I cleared my throat and tried to hide my blush before I looked at Anne.

"Just uh... Tweaked my back a little the night before."

Anne nodded and seemed to accept the answer. I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding, and relaxed back into Harry.

"I've actually been meaning to ask you something Anne, the ring that Harry gave me... Was it in the box that you gave him for the first Christmas we spent with you?"

A smile grew on her face as she sipped her wine and nodded.

"Yeah it was. The ring was his father's wedding ring and when his father passed away I told him that when he found someone and I thought it was someone he could spend forever with I would give it to him. "

I turned to look at Harry my mouth slightly open in shock. Harry looked back at me and pulled me in closer, placing a kiss on my temple.

I had only been dating Harry for maybe 5 months when I met Anne. Also the same night I met her she gave Harry the ring.

"You only knew me for a couple hours before you gave him the ring though..."

"That's true. But when I looked at the two of you I knew it was something special. I already knew how much my son loved you and just by watching you I could tell you loved him too. Especially when I heard that song you wrote for him... It confirmed what I already knew. I knew that you were the one for him."

Anne smiled at the pair of us and I couldn't help but smile back.  I turned to look at Harry who was already looking at me with a fond smile on his face. He brought up his hand and pushed my hair away from my eyes before leaning in and kissing me softly.

When he broke the kiss I just smiled at him and he returned it.

"Alright boys snap out of it. C'mon tell me about the rest of the trip!"

Harry turned to her and smiled before speaking.

"We really just relaxed. We went to an aquarium, and that was cool... I guess we really just spent the last couple days we were there celebrating being an engaged couple."

I felt Harry squeeze my side and I looked over at him. He had winked and I felt my face heat up as a blush came through. The last couple days we spent in the city we barely left the room. We only left for food or to stretch our legs, but other than that we remained in the bed.

"Well that sounds lovely boys. I'm going to head up to bed. I will see both of you in the morning."

She stood up and kissed both of us on the cheek goodnight.

Harry and I stayed in the living room for maybe another hour, just chatting about simple wedding things. Soon enough we grew tired and made our way up to bed.

As I laid on Harry's chest in bed I couldn't stop but think that this was going to be the rest of my life. At the thought I smiled to myself as I dozed off to sleep.

Music and Lyrics (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now