Chapter 18

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Four days after Christmas Harry and I were packing for our trip to New York City that my parents had given to us as a present. It was Sunday, and our flight was at noon tomorrow and we have to drive to London, which would take about 4 hours. So Harry and I decided we would leave at 6 am tomorrow so we can get to the airport two hours before our flight.

"It's going to be a really long day tomorrow..."

I said as I tried stuffing another pair of pants into my suitcase.

"I know but just think of how amazing it will be when we get there!"

"What time will we land in New York?"

"About 3 pm their time. And if you want me to drive the whole way tomorrow morning I can."

"I'm not letting you drive for four hours after maybe five hours of sleep! You drive two hours, I'll drive two hours."

Harry nodded as he continues packing.

I knew he was excited about going. This was our first real trip together and I was excited and nervous. I was happy that Harry and I would be completely alone but I was nervous because of the plane ride. I don't do plane rides well and this was a very long flight.

I triple checked my suitcase and carry on before fully closing them. I placed them both by the door so it would be easy to get out in the morning.

Harry was still packing when I told him I was going to jump in the shower quickly.

As I was in the shower I was thinking about our trip. How amazing it was going to be that we were going to be in New York City on New Years, and that we also had Broadway tickets to my favorite musical. I couldn't believe my parents had also paid for everything. It made me think of my father and how nice he was being at Christmas. He hasn't been that nice to me since I was 14 and "straight". I haven't forgiven him and I don't know how close I am to forgiving him but if he's willing to put in the work to fix our relationship then so am I.

I got out of the shower and dried my hair with a towel before wrapping the towel around my waist and opening the door to go back into the bedroom. I walked into the bedroom and didn't see Harry and assumed he was putting his luggage by the door. I pulled out a pair of boxers and dropped my towel so I could slip them on. I pulled out a pair of joggers and slipped them on as well opting to go without a shirt. I walked over to the bed and climbed on top of the covers and turned on the TV, trying to find a movie to watch. As I was about to settle back and relax I felt Harry tackle me and then straddle me making it so I didn't have use of my arms.

"Harry! What is it with you and sitting on top me?!"

"I just like being in control Lou."

Before I could respond a pair of strong lips attacked mine. He nipped at my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. Our tongues instantly colliding. It was a rough kiss and as I worked my hand out of the grasp of Harry's legs I worked my way to the hem of Harry's shirt. He brought his hand up to my hair and tugged gently. I moaned into his mouth and tugged at his shirt begging him to allow me to take it off. He broke off the kiss and took off his shirt. He lunged back down at me and cupped my face in his hands. I grabbed at Harry's waist and pushed him down on me. I could feel my growing buldge and I grabbed the back of Harry's head and pulled him down on me so he was laying on me as we kissed.

"Harry... Before w-we really do anything remember we have t-to sit all day tomorrow." I said against his lips as we kissed.

He broke off the kiss and looked at me.


"Also we'll be exhausted in the morning if we do anything."

"But Lou!"

"I know but seriously Harry we have such an early morning... Tomorrow night, I swear."

He gave me a disappointed face but nodded and leaned down to kiss me one more time before crawling off me. He laid down on the bed and started watching the movie that was still playing on the TV. I moved towards him and laid my head on his chest and put my arm over his stomach. He looked down at me and smiled, putting his arm under me and around my waist, pulling me in closer to him.

"Haz?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah Lou?" He looked down at me with a soft expression.

"You know I love you, right?"

"Of course I know that Lou. I love you too."

He dropped his head and kissed me gently, there was a lingering touch of his lips as he pulled away slowly. I settled onto his bare chest and relaxed into his touch as he rubbed my back gently. Harry continued watching the movie as I was thinking about tomorrow and the day we had ahead of us. Just thinking about it made me exhausted and I let sleep take me over.


I woke up to a pair of lips connected to mine and opened my eyes to see Harry hovering over me.

"Good morning love. I made you some tea and I made us some breakfast that we can eat in the car."

I just smiled at him. How was I lucky enough to have someone like him in my life?

"What are you smiling at?"

Harry moved to the edge of the bed and I sat up so I could be eye level with him.

"I was just thinking about how perfect you are."

I brought one of my hands behind his head and leaned in for a kiss, which he gladly accepted. I broke off the kiss and he smiled at me as he stood up from the bed and into the bathroom. I swung my legs over the bed and stretched just looking around the room for a minute. I stood up and walked over to the dresser pulling out joggers, a graphic t-shirt, a zipped jacket and a black beanie. I got dressed and sat on the bed waiting for Harry as I drunk my tea. I finished my tea before Harry got out of the bathroom so I knocked on the door and he let me in. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. When we were both done we got everything we needed for the trip and made our way out of the flat and down to the car.

We made it onto the highway and Harry and I brought out the food he had packed. He made pancakes and sausage. I fed him as he drove and I  ate my portion quickly not realizing how hungry I was. When we both finished I laced my fingers with Harry's and looked out onto the road ahead of us. 

About and hour into the ride I was growing tired.

"Babe, can you wake me in an hour so I can drive? I'm gonna try and get some more sleep."

"No problem love."

He stroked my hand with his thumb, making me feel relaxed and I laid back in my seat falling into a deep slumber.


"Lou, babe wake up."

I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I sat up and found that we were parked in a parking garage.

"Harry... Are we at the airport?"


"I told you to wake me up in an hour!"

"Well you looked comfortable."


"Louis its okay. See we're here, nothing bad happened! Everything's okay. C'mon let's just worry about getting through security right now."

He got out of the car and I followed. We grabbed our suitcases from the backseat and we made our way into the airport.

Two hours later we were boarding the plane and trying to find our seats. We had the middle and window seat and I gave the window seat to Harry. We got comfortable in our seats and in about 30 minutes the plane was preparing to take off. 

I was grateful no one had the seat on the other side of me because I was not handling the plane starting to move well. I felt my chest tighten and my palms got sweaty. Harry grabbed my hand and as the plane took off and into the sky I think I cut off the circulation in his hand.

When we were finally soaring through the air I calmed down a bit.

The airplane started playing a movie and Harry and I both plugged our headphones in so we could listen. I rested my hand on Harry's thigh and relaxed into my seat as we started our 8-hour flight.

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