Chapter 43

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Harry and I were with Gemma in the doctor’s office for a check up. Gemma was laying on the examination table, and Harry was sitting beside her, holding her hand. The doctor had put that clear liquid on her belly and moved a stick thing that was connected to a screen around on her stomach to look at the baby.

"So are we trying to figure out the sex of the baby today?" The doctor turned to us.

"Um yeah, I think we were hoping for that." Harry said and I agreed, nodding my head.

I was sitting next to Harry and I had my hand placed on his thigh, waiting to hear if we were going to have a boy or girl.

The doctor started moving the stick thing around again and a funny look came across his face. He moved it once more and kept the same expression on his face.

"Hm that's odd.. Let me check one more thing." He said.

I could see Harry getting anxious as he started shifting in his seat and rubbing his free hand over his leg.

"Is uh, is something wrong?" Harry asked nervously.

I could feel my own heart rate pick up as I grew more nervous myself.

"No, nothings wrong... It's just that I'm hearing two heartbeats."

The doctor looked at Harry and I expectantly.

"O-okay what does um, what does that mean?" Harry said as he looked at the doctor for some type of explanation.

He smiled at the two of us. "It means that you boys are having twins, congratulations!"

I felt my heart stop. Everything seemed to stand still as I looked around the room. My head felt light and my breathing was shallow as I thought about what the doctor had just said. I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked over at Harry who was looking at me worriedly.

"Louis, you okay?" He asked.

I looked at him for a second and I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I tried to focus on my breathing as I tried nodding my head.

"Yeah... Yeah I'm good, just uh... Shocked I guess."

Harry smiled at me and squeezed my thigh gently. I smiled back and relaxed as I thought about having twins. 'It wouldn't be that big of a deal, right?' I thought.

"Would you like to find out the sex of the babies?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah." I said. I leaned forward a bit in my chair waiting for an answer.

"Okay let's see what we have here.... It looks like there's a boy and a girl. Congrats you two."

I looked between Harry and Gemma with a wide smile on my face. Harry looked back and I had never seen such a big smile on his face. Even Gemma had a smile looking between the pair of us.

Harry brought both of his hands and rubbed his legs and I combed my fingers through my hair thinking about having two babies instead of one.

The doctor cleaned Gemma up and she sat up, off the table . Harry and I stood and he brought his arm up to my shoulder and gave me a side hug. I rested my head on his shoulder as he rubbed my arm gently.

We walked out of the office and Harry grabbed my hand as we walked. I moved closer to him as we walked Gemma to her car.

"So what do you guys think?" Gemma asked us.

I leaned against Harry and shielded myself from the cold.

"I'm actually more excited if that's possible... I mean its twins!"

I chuckled against Harry as I could see how happy he was.

"What about you Lou?" She asked me.

"I'm... I'm excited and happy, but I guess I'm more nervous. I just, I don't know, I feel like with two kids there's more room for me to mess up..."

Harry pulled me in closer to him and kissed the top of my head.

"Don't think like that Lou. No matter the amount of kids you'll be a great dad." Gemma said as she smiled at me.

"Thanks Gem." I said with a smile of my own.

"Alright, It's bloody freezing out here so Gemma I will call you later, and drive home safely." Harry said as he moved to hug her.

He let her go and I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Really Louis, don't doubt yourself." She whispered in my ear as we hugged.

I broke the hug and looked at her with a smile growing on my face.


When Harry and I got home Mason met us at the door and I pat his head as I walked through the foyer into the kitchen. I combed my fingers through my hair and let out a deep breath as I moved over to the fridge and pulled out a beer. I leaned against the counter and pulled off the top and took a large gulp as thoughts raced through my mind.

"Lou?" Harry asked as he walked in the kitchen.

I took another gulp of beer before placing it down and looking at Harry.

"Yeah?" I asked as I brought my hand up and rubbed my face.

"Are you okay?"

"Um yeah, yeah I'm good." I glanced at him quickly before realizing he was staring at me and I looked back to the counter.

"You don't seem good..." He said as he moved towards me.

"I'm just..." I looked at him as I shook my head, trying to gather my thoughts. "I'm so happy I really am, I can't even explain it... I mean we're going to be parents and that is so exciting. But, what if... I mean..."

I couldn't even look at him as I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I shook my head as I looked at the counter top, trying to steady myself.

"Hey, hey... Lou what's wrong?"

He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest as soft tears escaped me. Harry started rubbing my back and whispering in my ear.

"C'mon Lou, talk to me."

He released me and placed his hands on my hips as I looked up at him.

"W-what if I'm a shitty dad? I mean one kid I could wrap my head around, but two? What if I mess everything up and end up treating them like my dad treat me?... I can't handle that Harry."

"Louis you know that's not true." He said as he wrapped me in a strong hug and kissed my head. "If there's anything I know about you it's that you're not going to be anything like your dad. I see how you treat Ernest and Doris and the other girls... I know just from watching you with them how great of a dad you're going to be, whether it's one baby or two."

I breathed heavily against his chest as he held me in his arms. I nodded against him and he leaned away from me to look down at me. He picked up my chin with his hand and brought his lips gently to mine.

"I don't want you thinking like that Lou... It's not true at all. I know and every single person who knows you would all agree that you will be a great dad."

He brought his hand up to my face and rubbed my tear stained cheek with his thumb.

I nodded, looking to the ground. "Yeah, you're right... I'm just over thinking it."

I offered him a small smile and he rubbed my side, leaning down to kiss me one more time.

"C'mon we're taking Mason out for a walk to clear our heads. Bundle up, it might start snowing."

"Alright, but when we get back we have some phone calls to make." I said smiling at him.

He smiled back at me before walking to the foyer and screaming for Mason to come. A second later I heard the pat of his paws on the floor as he ran to Harry.

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