Chapter 51

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I woke to the noise of crying and I shifted on the hospital pull out bed. I felt Harry wake up and move under me.

"I got it." He said as he tried to get up.

I put my hand on his chest and pushed him back down on the bed.

"No, you've been on your leg too much today already, I'll get up."

He nodded and laid back down on the bed. I got up from the bed and I saw Gemma wake up as she heard the crying. I smiled to her as I walked over to Hayden who was crying and she smiled back as me, and tried to fall back asleep.

I looked down in Hayden's bed and saw him scrunch his nose as he cried. I picked him up gently and cradled him in my arms as I walked over to the bedside table where they had some bottles made. I picked one up and put it in bottle warmer.

As I waited for the bottle to heat up I rocked Hayden in my arms gently trying to get him to stop crying so he wouldn't wake up his sister and so Harry and Gemma could sleep.

I walked around the room and as I peered out the window I saw that the sun was barely up. I smiled to myself thinking about how many mornings I was going to do this. Get up at the crack of dawn to just hold one of the babies or feed them. But as I looked down at my son I didn't mind the thought so much.

I walked over to get the bottle and when I grabbed it, it was just warm enough. Hayden was still crying and when I brought the bottle to his mouth his cries immediately went silent as he drunk the milk. I smiled to myself as I watched him close his eyes and eat. I moved over to the cushioned rocking chair that was in the room and I sat down carefully.

I watched as Hayden drank the bottle and I smiled to myself as looked down at him. A moment later I saw a flash go off and I looked up to see Harry standing near the bed. I hadn't even heard him get up.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

He pointed towards Soph's bed and then I heard small whimpering noises coming from her. I giggled to myself as I realized I was too busy focusing on Hayden that I didn't even here Soph.

Harry started limping over to her bed and he picked her up gently. Once he had her comfortably in his arms her whimpers died down. He kissed her head as he walked over to the bed to sit.

"How's your leg?" I whispered.

He looked up at me and smiled. "It's okay, hurts a little bit, but it's not bad."

"Does she need to be fed?"

"I think right now she's okay, she may need a diaper change though." He chuckled to himself.

I saw that he was about to stand up and do it but he winced in pain. I carefully stood up to not disturb Hayden as he drunk his bottle and I walked towards Harry.

"Here babe, finish feeding Hayden and I'll change Soph."

He nodded at me and switched Soph to his other arm as I carefully placed Hayed in his free arm. I held his bottle as I leaned down and grabbed Sophia from him, and once I had her Harry grabbed the bottle.

"We're getting good at this." Harry smiled at me.

I chuckled to myself as I held our daughter in my arms. I walked over to her little bed and laid her down. She started whimpering again as she was put back down on the bed.

"Shh, it's okay love. Dad's just gonna change you real quick." I whispered to her.

I got her a new diaper and changed her as quickly as I could so she would stop squirming. Once she was changed I wrapped her back in her blanket and picked her up, making her soft cries stop.

"There we go, all better." I said as I lifted her up to kiss her head.

I looked back to Harry and Hayden, and Hayden had finished his bottle and Harry had him resting on his chest as he tried burping him. I smiled at the pair as I looked at them. I walked over to Harry and looked down at my two boys. Harry looked up at me with a dimpled grin and I returned it with a soft smile.

"I never said good morning." I said as I leaned down and kissed him sweetly and I could feel him smiling against me. "Good morning." I said when I broke the kiss.

"Good morning to you too babe."

I sat down next to him on the bed and cradled Sophia in my arms as she dozed off to sleep.

"Do you know what time it is?" I whispered to Harry.

He carefully picked up his arm and reached for his phone that was laying on the bed.

"It's about 6:27 am." He whispered back.

I nodded. "Shit, I have to call in for work."

"Language." Harry smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes as I reached for my phone. Once I called work they understood and gave both Harry and I a month leave of absence which I found was really generous. But I guess that's what you get when you work for Disney.

"So we have a month off before we have to go back in. They might call me with an assignment for a movie but I can just do it at home."

He nodded at me and returned his attention back to Hayden who had fallen asleep in his arms.

I looked over at my two boys with fond as I saw how happy Harry was holding our son.

"This poor girl is stuck with a house full of boys." I said smiling down at her.

"We'll just have to have more kids. Maybe another girl and boy, kind of even it out." Harry said grinning at me.

I chuckled at him. "Easy babe, we can wait a little while."

I got up to place Soph in her bed and when I put her down I rubbed her little hand with my finger. She opened her hand and latched onto my finger. I smiled at the touch and I rubbed her little fist with my thumb. I leaned down and brought her hand up as I kissed it gently. I smiled at my daughter one last time before I tried to get my finger out of her grip.

I turned back to Harry and he was smiling at Hayden.

"Want me to put him in bed babe?"

Harry nodded. "Sure." He lifted up Hayden and placed them in my arms carefully.

When he got in my arms he squirmed for a second before relaxing into my chest. I walked over to his bed and gently placed him in. When he got back in the bed he yawned and stretched out his arms before falling back asleep.

"You know every time I put him down he yawns and stretches." I said as I walked towards the bed.

Harry chuckled at me. "Just like me." He said with a smile.

I leaned down and pecked his lips. "Just like you."

"I'm going to try and get some more sleep. C'mere, lay down with me." He said as he grabbed my hips and pulled me down as we were both laying on the bed.

I rested my hands on his shoulders and smiled down at him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and laid his back on the pillow. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes hoping to get some sleep.

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