Chapter 17

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When we pulled up to Harry's childhood home I realized where all of the money came from... His house was huge. It wasn't even a house it was a mansion. As I got out of the car the only thing I could do was stare. The steps leading up to the front door were made of a grey marble and pillars greeted you as you walked up the stairs and to the front door. Harry walked around the car, grabbed his suitcase and mine from the back seat and turned towards me giving me my suitcase and laced our fingers together as we walked up the stairs and to the front door. Harry rung the doorbell and a few seconds later a woman who looked just like Harry opened the door.

"Harry!! Oh my god look at you! Merry Christmas love, I've missed you so much!"

Harry dropped my hand and his suitcase and gave his mum an eager hug. When he released her he turned to me and smiled.

"Mum, this is Louis."

I was about to say something but before I could she had pulled me in for a strong hug. It took me off guard but I hugged her back as I dropped my own suitcase, smiling at Harry as I did only for him to return it with a goofy grin. She released me and just looked at the two of us.

"Louis I've heard so much about you, I can't believe I'm finally meeting you! And Harry you did not do him justice, he is much more cute than you lead on!"

Harry and I both blushed as she said that.

"It's really nice to finally meet you Mrs. Styles."

"Please call me Anne, honey."

I nodded my head and Harry grabbed hold of my hand and his suitcase again as I grabbed mine and he lead us into the large foyer. The ceiling must have been at least 20 feet high and a large Christmas tree greeted you and it was in the middle of the foyer in between stairs that came from the left and right only to connect at the top. As you looked up there was a massive chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling and I couldn't believe that this was the place Harry had grown up in.

"C'mon Lou I'll show you to my room and we can put our stuff down. After you can meet Gemma and Robin."

"Okay, sounds good."

"And Lou?"


"Don't be nervous love... You met my mum and that's the hardest part."

He started laughing as he lead me up the stairs and to his room and I joined in laughing as we walked down the long hallway and into his room.

Harry opened his bedroom door and I had never seen such a large bedroom. His bed if possible was larger than a king size and a bathroom inside his bedroom that could be mistaken for a spa. I set my luggage down at the foot of the bed and stared at everything he had in his room. The posters of bands on his walls, multiple certificates of achievement for different music groups, and music scholarship awards resting on his shelves. 

"Ready to meet the rest of the family?"

I was taken out of my trance as Harry spoke. I smiled at him and nodded. He put out his hand for me to take and we walked out of the bedroom.

Harry led me down the stairs and to a large living room. It had a plush L shaped couch, two love seats across from the couch, a coffee table in between them, and two leather chairs that sat beside a large fireplace. A tall Christmas tree was in the corner of the room with presents underneath.

I saw his sister and step dad sitting and I felt my heart beat pick up. My hands started to feel clammy and I found that my chest was feeling like it was being compressed. I put on the best brave face I could as Harry introduced me.

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